Tkenov Shokan
Master of technical Sciences
Lecturer at the Department of construction and building materials science.
Qualification: Bachelor of construction, master’s
Rudnensky industrial Institute.
Specialty “Construction”, 2015
Subjects taught:
Architecture of industrial buildings
Technology of complete Knauf systems
Energy efficient design and construction of civil buildings
Building reconstruction technology
Advanced training:
2018 – courses «Design and development of design documentation» to work with the software of ASCON COMPASS – 3Dv18. Rudny Industrial Institute, the company «ASKON».
2019 – courses «Design and design of architectural forms» to work with the software of the company ASKON Renga Architecture and Renga Structure. Rudny Industrial Institute, the company «ASKON».
Experience in RII:
2018-teacher of the Department of construction and building materials science.
Phone: 8 705 668 7072