Oleynik Alexander
Oleynik Alexander
Doctor of technical Sciences, associate Professor
Associate Professor of construction and building materials science
Qualification: civil engineer
Rudny branch of the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute.
Specialty “Industrial and civil construction”, 1974
Subjects taught:
Conducts classes and provides methodological support of disciplines of specialty ” Construction»:
Engineering mechanics
Strength calculations of structures by finite element method;
CAD basics with 3D elements
BIM design basics in Autocad and Revit
Published 110 works. Author of 2 monographs
Areas of research
Vibration protection of building and engineering structures
Numerical method
Structural mechanics
Finite element method
Advanced training:
2014 – internship at the enterprise “Modern materials in construction”. JSC «Rudnysokolovstroy».
2018 – courses «Design and development of design documentation» to work with the software of ASCON COMPASS – 3Dv18. Rudny Industrial Institute, the company «ASKON».
2019 – courses «Design and design of architectural forms» to work with the software of the company ASKON Renga Architecture and Renga Structure. Rudny Industrial Institute, the company «ASKON».
Experience in RII:
1975 – 1977 – assistant of the Department of structural mechanics,
1977– 1980 – post-graduate student of the Moscow Institute of civil engineering
1983-1991-senior lecturer
1991-2003-associate Professor
2004-2006-Vice-rector for research
2006-2008-head of the Department of industrial, urban construction and economy
2009-associate Professor of construction and building materials science
Awarded the badge of MES ” for merits in the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan»
Phone: 8 714 31 50529; 87054163881
Email: aoleinik@mail.ru