Faculty of Economy and Construction
History of the Faculty of Economy and Construction
In the 80s of the 20th century, the leadership of the Rudnensky Industrial Institute repeatedly raised the issue of opening economic specialties before the Ministry of Higher Education of the Kazakh SSR. But the Ministry of Higher Education each time found a reason for refusing the request of the institute. Favorable conditions for resolving this issue were created in the early 90s with the acquisition of Kazakhstan’s sovereignty: the process of reforming the higher education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan began.
In the fall of 1991, the Department of Economics, Organization and Production Management of the RII performed the calculation of the needs of economists in the Kostanay region. With this calculation, the Rector’s office appealed to the akim of Kostanay region with a request to send a request to the Ministry of Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan to open economic specialties in the RII. In 1992, the training of economists in the region was conducted only for the village at the Kostanay Agricultural Institute. And the Ministry of Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan allowed the admission of 100 full-time students and 50 part-time students in the specialty “Economics and Management (by industry)”. In 1993, 100 full-time students and 50 part-time students were re-admitted.
On September 1, 1993, the rector of the RII, I. S. Akhmetov, issued an order on the formation of the Faculty of Economics as part of two courses consisting of 10 groups.
The dean of the faculty was Timofey Ilyich Levkovets, who had extensive experience in the organization of the educational process and worked at that time for more than ten years as the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Construction for academic Work. The faculty included the following departments: Economics, Organization and Production Management (Head of the Department – Doctor of Economics, Professor Mikhailov A. A.); Economic Theory and Law (Head of the Department – Ph. D., Associate Professor Goloshchekov O. V.); Higher Mathematics (Head of the Department-Ph. D., Associate Professor Peshkichev Yu. A.); Physical Education (Head of the Department-Senior lecturer Ivanova L. V.); department of Languages (Head of the department – N. Y. Shayakhmetov).
Since 1994, the Department of EOIUP, in order to improve the efficiency and quality of the educational process, was reorganized, and 2 independent graduate departments were formed on its basis: economics and Construction Management (Head of the Department, Doctor of Economics Mikhailov A. A.) and Economics and Management in Industry and Infrastructure (Head of the department – Candidate of Economics Politov A. A.).
Nine-tenths of the success of economic reform depended on the level and quality of economic education. Therefore, the faculty was assigned the task of training new intellectual personnel with market thinking for promising business structures. The solution of this problem was complicated by the fact that the Republic of Kazakhstan had not yet developed standard curricula and standard programs. This work was assigned to universities. A commission consisting of Levkovets T. I., Goloshchekov O. V. and Mikhailov A. A. was created to develop curricula and work programs. Among other difficulties, the personnel problem was also relevant. Teachers of the department had to prepare completely new “market” disciplines: “Fundamentals of market Economy”, “Management”, “Marketing”, etc.
The Institute’s library was annually replenished with economic journals published in Kazakhstan and Russia. Theoretical seminars on market economy issues were held at the departments. KIMEP teachers conducted seminars. To teach economic disciplines, specialists of enterprises and organizations with extensive experience in practical work were invited to the departments. Nizhnik M. Yu., Akmalova O. A., Ponomareva O. G. and others.
From 1995 to 2005, the dean of the faculty was appointed TurezhanovSeitkaliUrazovich, Candidate of Economic Sciences. In 1997, the Department “Mathematical Methods and Modeling” was introduced into the faculty, which was headed by Irina S. Klimenko, PhD. On the eve of the new century, there was a need to form a staff to train specialists in the field of studying and applying computer technology. As a result of the work done by the rector of the RII, Professor I. S. Akhmetov and the departments, the task of training specialists of the new formation was successfully solved.
In 1999, by the order of the Rector, the Department of Mathematical Methods and Modeling was renamed the Department of Information Systems and Technologies, and was attached to the Faculty of Economics. Mathematical modeling entered a new important stage of its development, taking its place in the structures of the information society. The methodology of mathematical modeling has developed, covering all new areas-from the development of technical systems and their management to the analysis of the most complex economic and social processes. The activity of the department is focused on the training of system analysts who have a solid basis of computer knowledge and are freely oriented in a specific applied field of human activity.
Since that time, the faculty was renamed the “Faculty of Economics and Information Systems”. In 2005, NurtayOrazalievichMoldashov, a graduate of the Kazakh State University named after S. M. Kirov, was appointed Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Information Systems. He has been working at the Rudnensky Industrial Institute since 1995.
The most important event of 2005-2010 was the defense of PhD theses: head of the Department of ISiTZarubin M. Yu., head of the Department of EcRakhimovZ. R., head of the Department of ETiPLukmanova M. B., as well as senior teachers of the Department of ISiTStatsenkol.G. and Obukhova O. N.
In 2012, by order of the Rector of the RII, Professor A. B. Naizabekov, the Faculty of Economics and Information Systems was liquidated and the Faculty of Economics and Construction was established on its basis, which included the following departments: the Department of Economics, the Department of Management and Marketing, the Department of Construction and Construction Materials Science.
In 2013, the structure of the Faculty was optimized, the Faculty of Economics and Construction included 2 departments: the Department of Economics and Management and the Department of Construction and Construction Materials Science.
From 2013 to 2020, the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Construction was Olga Kadnikova, Candidate of Technical Sciences. Deputy Dean for educational and educational work of the ball Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences ShaldykovaBagitAbitovna.
In September 2017, MedetOmirzakuly, Master of Technical Sciences, became the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Construction for the UIVR.
In June 2020, Olga AdolfovnaAkmalova, who has extensive experience and headed the Correspondence Faculty of the RII from 2000 to 2012, was appointed Dean of the Faculty.
The faculty currently consists of two departments: – Department of Economics and Management-acting Head of the Department Master SapanovaRamilyaKamilyevna, the department trains bachelors in educational programs: “Economics”; “Management”; – Department of Construction and Construction Materials Science-Head of the Department, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Miryuk O. A., the department trains bachelors in educational programs: “Construction”; “Production of building materials, products and structures”; “Design”; “Technology and construction of light industry products”.
One of the main directions in the work of the dean’s office is educational work. It is coordinated from 2021 by the Deputy Dean for Educational Activity, Ph.D. Abutalieva A.A. The task of educational work is to hold mass events, patriotic education of young people, explain to students the policy of the state and individual work with students.
The main activities and achievements of the faculty:
The main directions of activity of the faculty, the traditional structural division of the vast number of higher education institutions, both in our country and abroad, is an educational and research work.
In the field of educational activity, the faculty leadership of the State general education undergraduate standards. At the Faculty of educational process provides highly qualified teaching staff, currently consists of 22 people, the number of part-time lecturers in the departments of the Faculty – 3 units. Academic degree is 11 people, 4 – title, 2 – the academic title. Basic education is everything. The amount of PPS masters among 11 persons (50%), percentage is 50%.
Teachers and researchers of the Faculty of Economy and Construction – known in the Republic of Kazakhstan, and far beyond its borders.
Analyzing the state of the faculty of economics and construction of RII, now, we can say that the faculty quite successfully implementing its scientific and pedagogical potential of the market of educational services and carries out research activities.
The training process uses an extended laboratory facility, there are 4 modern student’s computing facilities, and specialized laboratories:
– the research and educational laboratory of the binders and compositions – is intended for a research of conditions of preparation and properties of the binders and composite materials by use of the mixing devices providing regulation of the mode of hashing;
– the research and educational laboratory of technological processes and devices – complexes of the equipment allow to model technological processes of production of construction materials and works, to investigate influences of technology factors on a condition of materials and the nature of construction production;
– research educational laboratories of material tests – are equipped devices and test machines for definition physicomechanical properties of materials;
– specialized laboratory of modern construction technologies – created with assistance of the international production company KNAUF for researches of materials for dry construction and finishing works;
– study of building structures – features samples of construction elements;
– Studio Design, Training stands and layouts;
– drawing and painting studio, complete with easels, equipped with plaster figures, models and other items;
– sewing workshops;
– student house models and design office.
All laboratories are equipped with the modern equipment. Only in 2015/2016, 2016/2017, 2017/2018 academic years thanks to the wise management of the rector A.B. Nayzabekov:
– on EM department it is acquired the laboratory equipment for 2,334,880 tenges, – software products for 4,021,600 tenges.
– on CBM department it is acquired the laboratory equipment for 10,219,646, 92 tenges, – software products for 531,800 tenges.
Faculty members are actively engaged in research work in various fields. Since 2012, dramatically increased the number of studies on research projects carried out by grant funding of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
– «Research of features of complex social economic development of monotowns of border territories in operating conditions of a common economic space of Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus» (head Bozhko L.L.);
– «Assessment of stability of the slopes and slopes which are in the difficult intense deformed state» (the head Oleynik A.I.);
– «Development energy-magnesia binders for building composite materials of a given structure with the complex using anthropogenic waste» (head Miryuk O.A).
– «Development theoretical and methodological foundations of corporate governance regional technical high school in the conditions of industrial-innovative development of Kazakhstan» (head Bozhko L.L.);
– «Development of highly porous insulation materials combined structure-based compositions with low power technogenic filler» (head Miryuk O.A).
– «Development of methods and recycling devices sewing and knitting» (head Kadnikova O.Y.).
– «Improving the policy of state regulation of accelerated clustering industrial regions» (head Bozhko L.L.);
Much attention is paid to the fulfillment of contractual work with the enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan: JSC «Rudnyysokolovstroy» LP «LP – Story», LLP «KZ service project», etc.
A characteristic feature of the activities of the Faculty became its active international cooperation in recent years. From 2011 to June 2015 in the framework of the TEMPUS «project implemented based Development and Implementation of the master’s program» Eco-Engineering – processing of information about the environment and sustainable development of renewable resources and bio-waste. “
Since 2013, we implemented another project under the program TEMPUS «Based on the European Qualifications Framework professional ICT education for the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan».
In the framework of the Tempus project «Environmental engineering and sustainable development with the use of renewable energy and bio-waste»:
From 2014 it launched a new program of the European Union Erasmus + for the period from 2014 to 2020. Aimed at supporting projects of cooperation, academic mobility in the field of education, training, sport and youth policy.
Since November 2015 PPS faculty participated in the project «Development and implementation of the master’s program» Green Logistics Management»: the promotion of the Trans-Eurasian accessibility through sustainable logistics management and competence in the field of ICT» in the framework of Erasmus +. Budget Rudny Industrial Institute in the project amounted to 75,649 euros.
The results of scientific research faculty are reflected in the publications of scientific articles of domestic and foreign publications, materials, regional, national and international scientific conferences. In the last five years Faculty teachers published 10 monographs, 19 textbooks, 14 articles in international journals included in the information base of the company Thomson Reuters: Web of Science (ISI Web of Knowledge,); Elsevier: ScienceDirect, Scopus; Springer, 15 Obtained RK patents.
Currently on the faculty are highly qualified specialists: doctor of technical sciences, professors Miryuk O.A., Oleinik A.I., Doctor of Economic Sciences Bozhko L.L., PhD Ahmetov D.S., PhD Akhmedov K.M., Zarubin V.R., Lukmanova M.B., Shamov V.V., Kadnikova O.Y.
Research activities are carried out in integration with the educational process, which is reflected in the coherence between subjects of scientific research with the basic disciplines and teaches courses provided by various training programs. This manifest itself in all kinds of teaching: reading of lectures, development of subjects Student work carried out by industrial, scientific and research practice, writing books, scientific papers and textbooks that are used in the educational process.
Currently, 400 students are studying at the faculty. The educational process is conducted on a credit system, which is the basis for the recognition of diplomas at the international level. Training is carried out on the credit system of education, which is the basis for the recognition of diplomas at the international level.
Within implementation of the program of the academic mobility contracts on cooperation with many domestic and foreign Higher education institutions are signed. Only for the last five years more than 20 students of faculty were trained on internal and external academic mobility in such higher education institutions as the Pavlodar state University of S. Toraygyrov, Higher School of Economics National Research University Moscow, the Riga technical university, the Tallinn technical university, the University technology, business and design Wismar (Germany).
One of the main achievements of faculty is the possibility of passing by students educational, a work practice at the enterprises of the city and area. These are such leading enterprises, leaders of the industry as JSC «SSGPO», JSC «Aluminium of Kazakhstan», «CenterCreditBank», city departments Rudny, finance department Lisakovsk, JSC «Sarybay», akimat of the city Rudny, JSC «Rudnyysokolovstroy», JSC «Stroykonstruktion» (Astana), «Kostanay-MBI» LLP (Kostanay), «Rudny Erection Firm – Imstalcon» LLP, «Project Service KZ» LLP, IP «Akhmedov K. M.», PRK «Bolshevik», IP Sarsembayeva Zh. and others.
The faculty has 10 departments of the branches. At the Department of EM operates 2 branches of the department of SA «Rudny department of economy and budget planning» akimat Rudny, LLC «Leader-2010».
At СBM department 8 branches of department on JSC «Rudnyysokolovstroy», JSC «Stroykonstruktion» (Astana), «Kostanay-MBI» LLP (Kostanay), «Rudny Erection Firm – Imstalcon» LLP, «Project Service KZ» LLP, IP Akhmedov K. M., PRK «Bolshevik», «Modistka» LLP are created.
Employees of the Department of branches involved in the training sessions, provides leadership training, production and pre-diploma practice, research work, course and diploma projects (work) students; participates in the work of the SJC, serves reviewer graduation projects. As part of a branch of the Department carried out an internship at the enterprises RII faculty, field of protection of diploma
Graduates of faculty work at the largest enterprises of the region, in state and commercial structures. The evidence of quality of training is that economists and builders at faculty are in constantly growing demand for them as from outside the state enterprises, private civil engineering firms, and from bank structures, finance companies, international the organizations and firms.