
Mishin Dmitryi Аnatolevich
1995-2000 – Rudny Industrial Institute, specialty “electrification and power supply”, electrical engineer, honors diploma.
Deputy General Director, Founder of NPP OVIST LLC (Moscow, Russia).
Ovistic Scientific-Production Enterprise Ltd. was founded in 1991 and specializes in technical maintenance, design and reconstruction of electrical equipment of 0,4-500 kV, fire safety and ventilation systems.

Kalinovskyi Igor Nikolaevich
1995-2000 – Rudny Industrial Institute, specialty “electrification and power supply”, electrical engineer, honors diploma.
In 2001-2006 Kegoc worked at the branch of Sarybai MINSO on the following positions: Civil Engineer, Master of 1 group of EMS operations; Deputy Head of the EPS.
From 2007 to 2015, he started to work in the Moscow HPP FSKEES and the following positions: Deputy Chief of the Department for Monitoring and Technical Maintenance of OHTL – Chief Specialist; deputy head of department – head of department, chief of diagnostics, diagnostics, diagnostics, chief of diagnostics and electrocution.
Since 2015 works as the head of the Department of Air Traffic Department of the Russian Federation “FSKEEP” in Moscow

Head of Technical Department of JSC SSGPO
1985 г. – graduate of the Rudny Industrial Institute, specialty “Mineral processing”,
2000 г. – graduate of the specialty “Power Supply and Electrification (by industry)”
Love for RII is enduring. And not only because the institute years are one of the most important stages of life in terms of education. The Institute gives something more – a sense of spiritual comfort, which makes you miss RII every day. In such an atmosphere, the urge to say kind words about your favorite institute simply cannot fail.

Abatov Murat Abatovich
In 2007 he graduated from the Rudny Industrial Institute, qualification – electrical engineer
He has high economic education and high technical education.
Murat Abatov has been working as a leading economist of KEGOC’s Western MES branch since March 2000.
From August 8, 2001 he was transferred to the post of the head of the Transit Center at Aktobe NPP branch.
Since February 20, 2003 he has been the Head of the Transit Center at Sarybai HPP branch.From March 5, 2007 he held the post of Deputy General Director of “Sarbaisk CHP” branch. On September 28, 2009, KEGOC was transferred to the General Manager of the SDR as a coordinator

Head of substation service of KEGOC JSC
2002 г. – graduate of the Rudny Industrial Institute, specialty “Power supply (by industry)”
I will remember the years spent at the institute with joy, with a smile on my face, because the friendly atmosphere that reigns in the institute between classmates, and between students of the Institute as a whole, cannot be forgotten.

Deputy Chief dispatcher of the service of the Kostanay Regional Dispatch Center
2006 г. – graduate of the Rudny Industrial Institute, specialty “Power supply (by industry)”
I consider the years of study in the RII to be very important and the most fun in my life. The knowledge that the teachers of the institute gave me, I later managed to put into practice. Thanks to the whole staff of the Department of Energy and Electrical Engineering.

Head of Subscription Department
2007 г. -graduate of the Rudny Industrial Institute, specialty “Power supply (by industry)”
Studying in RII is a comprehensive concept and includes a significant amount of knowledge, practical skills, love for the chosen profession, and self-confidence.

Deputy Director for General Issues – Head of the AHO CHPP of JSC SSGPO
2006 graduated from the Rudny Industrial Institute with a degree in “Power Supply and Electrification (by branches)”
Who was a student, he will surely say that he spent his best years at the institute, which, although it differs from ordinary secondary school in terms of great demands and loads, but these are already the first steps to an independent and adult life, which all boys and girls aspire to.
Many young people aspire to get higher education in one of the best higher educational institutions, because only with a specialist diploma can a decent and interesting job be found.
All the students of both full-time and part-time departments remember their best young years at the institute, because where a large number of young people gather, it is always interesting and fun. And, despite the workload of the educational process and the complexity of the program, there is always time for holding some contests, organizing trips and other events that are stored in memory for many years

Deputy Head of the Production Department of the Thermal Power Station of JSC SSGPO
2012 graduated from Rudnensky Industrial Institute with a degree in Heat Power Engineering
Our institute has a fairly strong training base and highly qualified personnel. Student years passed quickly and imperceptibly. The events taking place at the institute were very bright and intense.

Ilyin Аleksey Anatolevich
1989-1994 – Rudnensk Industrial Institute, specialty – “Mining machines and equipment”, qualification – mining engineer-electrician.
She has been working since 1999: Mining equipment repairer at the mining equipment repair shop;
deputy chief mechanic,
Chief Engineer of the General Department of Mechanical Operations of the General ore Personnel Department of the Sarbaisky Field Department of SSGPO;
Business Intelligence Bureau for repair, management and commissioning, “Production and repair”, “New Management Technologies” JSC “SSGPO”;
head of department, chief mechanic of repair mechanic, repair department, Management Board of SSGPO.
At present he is the Vice President for Maintenance and Repair, the general management of the Company’s SSGPO.

Litvinenko Uryi Vladimirovich
He has received higher education in the specialty “Mining machines and equipment” in 2006-2009, qualification of mechanic-mechanic.
Since 2001, he has worked in various positions: General management of SKSP at the Sarybay field of the “SSGPO” JSC, mechanic on repairing of g / equipment, Sarbaiskoye “SSGPO” JSC, at Sarybai field management division. general management of the field of mining and metallurgical complex, deputy head of the site, general management of the site of SRP site at the open pit of Sarybai field management of JSC “SSGPO”, head of site, head of Sarybay deposit Plural JÖK plot “;” SSGPO “deputy director of the Department of technological equipment repair.
At present he is the Head of the Department of Remedies, JSC “SSGPO”.