Council of young scientists
Council of young scientists
Council of Young Scientists of Rudny Industrial Institute is a public body under the guidance of the Rector. It is founded in 2008 in order to unite young scientists, share their interests in professional activity, as well as to address social issues.
Mikhail Zarubin, Candidate of Technical Sciences, was the Chairman of the Council during the period from 2008 to 2013. Nataliya Sargayeva, Candidate of Economic Sciences, is the current Chairman of the Council (since 2013).
The Council of Young Scientists expresses interests of teachers, employees, graduate students, engineers and technical staff under the age of 35 years old currently working for Rudny Industrial Institute.
Young scientists of the Institute take active part in development of science in Kazakhstan: participate in international, national and regional conferences; publish their research results in national and international journals; defend master’s and doctoral thesis; create teaching aids; compile textbooks and training manuals; guide and conduct researches; obtain patent certificates; take part in competitions for scholarships, awards in the field of science and innovation; and receive titles of laureates and diploma.
In 2014, the Council of Young Scientists organized and conducted several contests such as «Best young scientist at the Faculty», «Best research project (of young scientists)», «Best research project of students (under the guidance of young scientists)» with the financial support of the Foundation of the First President, the Leader of the Nation. Members of the Council also organize annual subject Olympiads for secondary school students and supervise scientific circles.
Members of the Council defended 8 candidate and 9 master’s theses, published 109 scientific articles in international, national and regional conference proceedings in the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad during the period from 2008 to 2014.
Members of the Council have undergone internship training at the University of Adelaide (Australia), University of Newcastle (UK), in Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Gertsen (Russia), and others. Darkhan Akhmetov, Master of Sciences, and Aida Abzhatova, Master of Sciences, are involved in research activity.
In 2013, Asset Khabdullin, Candidate of Technical Sciences, the Dean of the Faculty of Power Engineering and Information Systems, was included in the Golden Book of Youth of Kostanay Region.
Young scientists actively take part in development of grant researches provided by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Larissa Statsenko, Anvar Akhmetov, Asset Khabdullin, Nataliya Sargayeva).
In December 2013, Council of Young Scientists of Rudny Industrial Institute won the National competition of «The Best Council of Young Scientists in higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan». The competition was organized by the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Leader of the Nation.
In February 2015, Nataliya Sargaeva became the Laureate of the Award in Science and Technology of the Foundation of the First President Foundation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Leader of the Nation.
Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists
Toretaev Medet Umirzakovich
Deputy Dean FEaC, Master of Engineering
Deputy Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists
Salko Oksana Yuryevna
Lecturer at the Department of MiGD, Master of Engineering
Member of the Council of Young Scientists
Tazhibaeva Dana Maratovna
Lecturer at the Department of CaCM, Master of Engineering
Member of the Council of Young Scientists
Akhmetov Darkhan Serikovich
Lecturer at the Department of EaM, PhD

Member of the Council of Young Scientists
Iskakov Rustem Zhanbyrshyuly
Lecturer at the Department of MaGD, Master of Engineering

Member of the Council of Young Scientists
Sapanova Ramilya Kamilievna
Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics and Management, Master of Engineering

Member of the Council of Young Scientists
Kadirova Asemgul Mukhametkhankyzy
Lecturer, Department of Construction and Building Materials

Member of the Council of Young Scientists
Mukaeva Nazgul Kaliaydarovna

Member of the Council of Young Scientists
Sabitbek Olzhas Batyrbekuly
Lecturer at the Department of Energy and Electrical Engineering
Defense of master’s thesis in Physics (Gulnazira Ulzhagulova).
Defense of candidate’s thesis in Economics (Nataliya Sargaeva).
Defense of candidate’s thesis in Technical Sciences (Anvar Akhmetov).
Internship at the University of Adelaide, Australia during 6 months (Larissa Statsenko).
Defense of master’s thesis in Economics and Business(Darkhan Akhmetov).
Supervision of branch project of the grant research of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Development of information systems for support of decision-making in formation of effective flow sheets for stabilization of mineral quality» (Larissa Statsenko).
Participation in Bolashak Scholarship Programme (Larissa Statsenko).
Internship at the European School of Economics, Italy, Rome, during 1 month (Darkhan Akhmetov).
Expert activity for the International Journal of Innovations and Management Technology, Singapore (Larissa Statsenko).
Internship at the University of Newcastle, UK, during 12 days (Larissa Statsenko).
Internship at Bayazit Yldyrym University, Turkey, Ankara, during 1 month (Darkhan Akhmetov).
Nataliya Sargayeva supervised the research project of secondary school students A. Kurochka and A. Komina who won 1st degree diploma and a badge for winning the International competition of research projects for secondary school children «Research debut» organized by Uralsk State Economic University, Yekaterinburg, Russia.
Nataliya Sargaeva received a letter of thanks from the Rector of Uralsk State Economic University, Yekaterinburg, Russia (the Chairman of the international competition of research projects for secondary school children «Research debut») for excellent preparation of students A. Kurochka and A. Komina.
Asset Khabdullin, Candidate of Technical Sciences, the Dean of the Faculty of Power Engineering and Information Systems, was included in the Golden Book of Youth of Kostanay Region.
Participation in grant research on «Development of low power magnesia astringent for building composite materials for a given structure with integrated use of technogenic waste» (Anvar Akhmetov).
Certificate of State registration of rights to the object of copyright (computer program «Model of ore-blending storage facility») № 472 dated April, 25, 2013.
Council of Young Scientists of Rudny Industrial Institute won the National competition of «The Best Council of Young Scientists in higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan».
Nataliya Sargayeva supervised the research project of A. Shabaldas who won 4th place in the International Economic Forum of research projects for young scientists and students «Competitiveness of Territories».
Olga Brusova had her documents nostrified in Kazakhstan and was awarded PhD degree.
Publication of research results in international scientific journals included in Thomson Reuters and Scopus database (impact factor): the journal of «Actual issues of economics», № 2 (152) 2014, p. 130-139, Kiev, Ukraine (Darkhan Akhmetov).
Participation in the research project on «Study of features of complex social-economic development of industrial towns at the border areas within Single Economic Space between Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus» (Nataliya Sargayeva, Ramilya Sapanova).
Nataliya Sargaeva won the competition for young scientists for the Award of the Foundation of the First President Foundation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Leader of the Nation and became the Laureate of the Award in Science and Technology of the Foundation of the First President Foundation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Leader of the Nation.