Green Logistics
Master Programme – «Green Logistics Management»: Advancing Trans-Eurasian Accessibility through Sustainable Logistics Management and ICT Competence / LogOn-U
The project is aimed at advancing Trans-Eurasian accessibility through strengthening logistics competitiveness, and bringing Partner Universities in Kazakhstan and Russian Federation on international level according to Bologna process in fields of sustainable, i.e. «Green Logistics Management».
Strong international cooperation of higher education institutions is promoted by inter-regional cooperation, common and consolidated approach and complex measures and project activities in the field. Academic programmes and their content will be brought to the standards of the EU and Bologna process.
Project objectives:
Development and implementation of the Master Programme – «Green Logistics Management»: Advancing Trans-Eurasian Accessibility through Sustainable Logistics Management and ICT Competence in a partnership with higher education institutions of Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan by the end of the project’s second year.
Modernization of educational contents in the partner universities in field of logistics management and informational and communicational competence in accordance with the standards of EU and Bologna Process.
Detailed information on realization of the Master Programme – «Green Logistics Management»: Advancing Trans-Eurasian Accessibility through Sustainable Logistics Management and ICT Competence is available on project web-site
EU project coordinator:
Projects meetings:
In May, 2018 Larissa Bozhko, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Research and Yevgeniya Perepechayeva, manager of Research, International Relations and Quality Management Office took part in the Founding Conference of Black Sea and Eastern Mediterranean Academic Network hosted by Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
Within the framework of the Founding Conference, Memorandum of Understanding on Black Sea and Eastern Mediterranean Academic Network (BSEMAN) operation was signed.
Representatives of more than 30 universities of the region’s countries took part in the work of the Founding Conference.
Within the framework of the Conference’s roundtable, Rudny Industrial Institute in cooperation with its partner universities – Rostov State Economic University and Hochschule Wismar, University of Applied Sciences, Wismar (Germany) presented to all the participants the results of joint work within the framework of the Erasmus + project “Green Logistics Management” LogOn-U”; there were also discussed possibilities of applying project’s results for universities practical activities.
May 2-4, 2017 PhD Anatoly Beifert, professor from Wismar University of Applied Sciences, Germany, gave lectures and practical classes on logistics at Rudny Institute of Industry
At the beginning of May 2017, PhD Anatoly Beifert, professor from Wismar University of Applied Sciences, Germany, gave lectures and practical classes at Rudny Institute of Industry within the Erasmus+ project «Development and implementation of the Master’s program «Green Logistic Management»: promotion of Trans-European accessibility through sustainable logistics management and competence in the field of ICTs». The project is aimed at promoting trans-Eurasian accessibility by strengthening competitiveness in logistics in accordance with the Bologna process.
Classes on Strategic Business Modeling were attended by 2nd and 3rd year students enrolled in Economics and Management. This course covered many urgent topics of logistics such as production management, production logistics, strategic control, and modeling of marketing decisions.
February 12-17, 2017 Dr. Larissa Bozhko, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Research, Venera Zarubina, Head of the Department of Economics and Management, and Yevgeniya Perepechayeva, translator, participated in the project meeting at Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia. The project meeting events included seminars and pedagogical workshops on logistics issues, tour of Tallinn University of Technology, visit to Mektory Innovation Center and NEFAB Logistics Company.
Tallinn University of Technology hosted representatives from Russia, Estonia, Germany, Sweden and Kazakhstan. They discussed the “Green Logistics” project progress results, got acquainted with the experience of teachers from Tallinn University of Technology in development of the study programs in logistics.
Currently, Rudny Industrial Institute is purchasing modern Logistics и SPSS Statistics Standart software for the project funds.
21 December 2016 Project meeting (via Skype) of National teams from Rudny Industrial Institute (Rudny), Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov (Kostanay), Caspian Public University (Almaty) with Dr. Anatoli Beifert, the coordinator of the project from Wismar University of Applied Sciences (Germany) on the results of monitoring of the project, preparation of the reports on corrective activities, implementing recommendations of experts from Erasmus+ National office, and future directions of teams’ activities within the project.
17 November 2016 Project meeting at Caspian Public University, Kazakhstan, on monitoring of the project to check if it is on-course and on-schedule in meeting objectives and performance targets after completion of three stages of realization. The meeting gathered National team members from Rudny Industrial Institute (Rudny), Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov (Kostanay), Caspian Public University (Almaty), Ms Shaizada Tabulatova, the National coordinator of the Project and Ms Meruart Narenova, an Erasmus+ expert.
14-16 October 2016 Approval conference at Rostov State University of Economics, Russia, on the progress status of the current Project work packages, comparative analysis of EU, Russian and Kazakhstani models for training specialists in the field of logistics with gap analysis outcomes, and round-table discussion of relevant issues. The conference was conducted in the framework of XII South Russian Logistics Forum’s section «Comparative Analysis of Higher Education in the field of Logistics: Trans-Eurasian Experience».
12-17 September 2016 Prof. Dr. Joachim R. Daduna from Wismar University of Applied Sciences, Germany, delivered lectures in Caspian University, Almaty, on selected topics in Green Logistics including several modules in Mobility and Economic Development, Transportation Modes and Mode Selection, Sustainability and Innovations in Transport Systems, Multimodal Transport, Logistics Corridor Planning, Information Management in Transport and Logistics, Future Developments.
23-26 May 2016 Project meeting at Linköping University, Sweden, on development of the curricula for the study programmes, and sharing ideas and pedagogical inspiration with Russian and Kazakhstani teachers.
26-27 November 2015 Kick-off meeting at St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, Russia, on main current trends in logistics in its entirety, course of work, the key points and problems in each partner country, work packages for each of the participants in more detail, as well as other important issues for all participants of the meeting.

Note: The project is funded with support from the European Commission. The content of this site is the responsibility of the institute and does not reflect the views of the European Commission.
Rudny Industrial Institute, Rudny, Kazakhstan
Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana, Kazakhstan
Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov, Kostanay, Kazakhstan
Caspian Public University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Manufacturing-commercial company “BETAR” Limited (MCC BETAR Ltd.)
Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, Kazan, Russia
Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden
Rostov State University of Economics, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia