Institute Small Student Assembly
- The purpose of the Small Assembly is to ensure interethnic harmony in the process of forming Kazakhstan’s civic identity and competitive specialists on the basis of Kazakhstan’s patriotism, civil and spiritual-cultural community of the Institute’s student society.The main tasks of the Small Assembly are:
1) ensuring effective interaction with the administration of the Institute and student self-government in the field of interethnic relations, creating favorable conditions for further strengthening interethnic harmony and tolerance in the student community;
2) strengthening the unity of students, support and development of internal consensus on the fundamental values of Kazakhstani society;
3) assisting the administration of the Institute in counteracting aspirations directed to infringing on the rights and freedoms of students;
4) the formation of a political and legal culture of students based on democratic norm;
5) revival, preservation and development of national cultures, languages and traditions of students.
1) priority of the rights and freedoms of students;
2) equal rights and freedoms of students regardless of race, nationality, language, religion, beliefs, or for any other circumstances;
3) publicity.
1) assistance in the development and realization of the state national policy;
2) assistance to formation of Kazakhstani patriotizm;
3) development of the state language and other languages of the people of Kazakhstan;
4) improvement of regional policy in interethnic sphere;
5) propaganda of the Kazakhstan model of interethnic and interfaith agreement in the country and abroad;
6) development of recommendations on the settlement of disagreements and disputes, prevention of conflict situations in the field of interethnic relations and participation in their resolution;
7) conducting events providing dialogue between students on issues of interethnic relations;
8) interaction with civil society institutions on issues of ensuring interethnic and interfaith agreement.
- The Chairman chairs the Small Assembly, the Council of the Small Assembly and oversees the activities of the Small Assembly..
- The structure of the Small Assemblies includes the Council and the Secretariat.
- The Council is a collegial organ, formed from among the leadership of the Institute and faculties, student self-government and student delegates from faculties.
- Meetings of the Council are convened by the Chairman of the Council or the Vice-Chairman of the Small Assembly in agreement with the Chairman of the Small Assembly as necessary, but at least once every six months.
- The powers of the Council include:
– consideration of candidates for membership of the Council;
– development of recommendations on the reakization of state national policy at the Institute;
– consideration and approval of the agenda of the Council and the draft work plan of the Secretariat;
– hearing reports from members of the Council and the Secretariat of the Small Assembly.
- The Secretariat of the Small Assembly is the working organ of the Small Assembly, which is a part of the Administration of the Institute, the activity of which are regulated by the Regulation.
The Secretariat is headed by the head of the Student Youth Center, who is also the Vice-President of the Small Assembly. Decisions of the Council and instructions of the President of the Small Assembly are binding on the Secretariat.
- The main functions of the Secretariat are:
– organization and support of the activities of the Small Assembly;
– preparation of analytical, informational, methodological materials and a draft Work Plan on issues related to the activities of the Small Assembly;
– conducting events and actions promoting interethnic harmony at the Institute in accordance with the approved Plan;
– interaction and coordination of the faculties and student self-government of the Institute in the framework of joint work plans for the development and strengthening of interethnic relations, agreement and stability in student society.
- The Secretariat reports to the Small Assembly Council.
Council members have the right:
– participate in the discussion of issues submitted to the Council;
– on freedom of opinion and position, expression of one’s opinion after the decision of the Council;
– resign from the Council of their own free will.
Council members are obliged:
– strengthen interethnic agreement at the Institute;
– carry out its activities in accordance with the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, acts of the Institute and present Regulations;
– actively participate in the implementation of the main goals and tasks of the Small Assembly, promote its ideas and activities;
– take care of the authority of the Small Assembly, prevent and warn actions that could discredit the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Institute and the Small Assembly;
– faithfully carry out the instructions of the Small Assembly.