Kadnikova Olga
Kadnikova Olga
Candidate of technical Sciences.
Senior lecturer of the Department of construction and building materials science.
Dean of the faculty of Economics and construction
Qualification: process engineer
Moscow all-Union Institute of textile and light industry.
Specialty “technology and design of garments”, 1996
Subjects taught:
Teaches classes and carries out methodical maintenance of disciplines of the specialty “Technology and designing of products of light industry»:
Materials science
Technology of garments
Technological equipment of the industry
Invariant technology of light industry
Design of the clothing companies
Design of preparatory and cutting production
Clothing materials
New technologies in the design of technological processes in light industry
Areas of research:
Recycling of waste of sewing and knitting production
Development of modern enterprises of light industry
Modern materials available for clothing manufacture
New equipment and devices used in light industry
Advanced training:
2014 – seminar «Management in education». JSC «Financial Academy». RII.
2015 – seminar «Psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process in higher education at the present stage of its development» in the direction of «Strategy of professional education in higher education». RII.
2016 – production internship «Process equipment industry». PRK «Bolshevik». Kostanay.
2017 – training sessions in the framework of the project «Creating an ecosystem of youth entrepreneurship in the student environment». RII.
2018 – training program «Management in education». «Tyumen Interregional Training Center». Rudny.
Experience in RII:
1997 — 1998 – teacher of the Department of technology and design of garments
1998 — 2010 – senior lecturer of the Department of technology and design of garments
2011 — 2012 – acting head of the Department of automation and technology of production processes
2013-Dean of the faculty of Economics and construction, senior lecturer of the Department of construction and materials science
Phone: 87052267541
Email: Kadnikovaolga@mail.ru