Kuzmina Natalia Alexandrovna
Kuzmina Natalia Alexandrovna
Bachelor of Engineering and Technology
Master of Technical Sciences
Readable disciplines:
- Ecology and sustainable development;
- Basics of life safety;
- Rational use of land resources;
- Examination of working conditions;
- Tactics rescue and emergency response;
- Fire safety;
- Air pollution control;
- Industrial sanitation;
- Water purification technology;
- Safety of equipment and technology;
- Ecology of mining production;
- Fundamentals of radiation safety;
- Safety in emergency situations;
- Fundamentals of chemical and biological safety;
- Occupational Safety and Health;
- Documentation on industrial and environmental safety in the mining enterprise;
- Life Safety.
- 2008-2012 RII. Specialty “Life Safety and Environmental Protection”.
- 2012-2014 KSU them. A. Baitursynov. Specialty “Geoecology and environmental management.”
- 2014-2015 – KSU “Coastal High School”, a biology teacher
- 2016-2017 – Rudny Vodokanal LLP, laboratory engineer
- 2017 – teacher of the department AISiB
Email: info@rii.kz