Miryuk Olga




Miryuk Olga

Doctor of technical Sciences, Professor.

Head of the Department of construction and building materials science.


Qualification: engineer-chemist-technologist


Kazakh Institute of chemical technology.

Specialty “Chemical technology of binders”, 1982


Subjects taught:

Teaches classes and carries out methodical maintenance of disciplines of the specialty “Production of construction materials, products and structures”, “Construction»:


Mineral resources base of PSM

Thermotechnical equipment

Thermal insulation and acoustic materials

Concrete technology

Technology of concrete and reinforced concrete products

Durability of building materials

Geotechnical engineering 1

Areas of research

Synthesis of binders and compositions using non-traditional and man-made raw materials.

Technology of porous materials.

Published 500 scientific papers, received 30 certificates of authorship and patents for inventions. Published 5 monographs, 8 manuals.

Advanced training:

2015 – multi-disciplinary scientific training, «International organizations and scientific cooperation». Concord international Academy (IAC) and FIJIP international Federation “International organizations and scientific cooperation”. France. Paris.

2015 – scientific training «Production of self-compacting concrete based on composite binders using nanostructuring components». Belgorod state technological University. V. G. Shukhov. Russia. Belgorod.

2015 – scientific training «Foreign experience in implementing the principles of the Bologna process at the University». University Of Jan Amos Komenskeho Czech Republic. Prague.

2015 – scientific training «Modern methods of formation and research of structure and properties of building materials». The Prague educational centre of the Czech Republic. Prague.

2015 – scientific internship «International management» Romualdo del Bianco Foundation of the Union of engineers and architects of the Turkic world. Italy. Mr. Florence.

2016 – scientific internship «System of continuous education in Japan: traditions and innovations» Tsukuba University. Japan,  Tsukuba.

2016 – training seminar «Distance learning technologies: theory and practical skills» Rudny industrial Institute.

2018 – courses «Design and development of design documentation»  to work with the software of ASCON COMPASS – 3Dv18. Rudny Industrial Institute, the company «ASKON».

2019 – training seminar «Examination of the passport of the educational program for inclusion in the Register of educational programs of higher and postgraduate education». Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Department of higher and postgraduate).

20192019 – courses «Design and design of architectural forms» to work with the software of the company ASKON  Renga Architecture and Renga Structure. Rudny Industrial Institute, the company «ASKON».

Experience in RII:

1982 – 1984 – senior engineer;

1984 – 1991 – postgraduate study of Belgorod technological Institute of building materials named after I. Grishmanov

1989 – 1991 – senior research fellow,

1991 – 1996 – associate Professor of production of building materials,

1996 – 2009 – head of the Department of production of building materials,

2009-head of the Department of construction and building materials science


The winner of the state grant “the Best teacher of the University in 2008”

Badge “for merits in the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan”

The winner of the state grant “the Best teacher of the University in 2014”

The winner of the state scientific scholarship in 2016

Jubilee medal “Kazakhstan Respublikasynyn Tauelsizdigine 25 zhyl”

Phone: 8 714 31 508 82. EXT. 122, 87019887416

Email: psm58@mail.ru

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