Radik Tazhibayev
Radik Tazhibayev
Head of the Department of History of Kazakhstan, Social Sciences and the Humanities
Subjects taught:
- Fundamentals of Law
- Political Science
- Business Law
- Sociology
- History of Kazakhstan
- Ethnic Pedagogy
- 1985-1990 Kharkov Higher Military Aviation School of Radio Electronics named after Lenin Communist Unity of Ukrainian Youth
Qualification: Engineer for Operating Means of Radio Communication
- 1992-2000 Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi
Qualification: Lawyer
- 2004-2007 Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi
Post-Graduate Studies
- 2008 defended Candidate’s Thesis on «Political factors for border security of the Republic of Kazakhstan»
Supervisors: Zh.I. Kuanyshev, Doctor of Political Sciences and Prof. R.A. Nurtazina, Doctor of Political Sciences
Field of research:
Business Law
Professional experience:
- 1990-1992 Head-commander of the communications platoon of a separate battalion of communication and radio engineering support in Petrovsk, Saratov Region, Russia
- 1992-2000 Grammar School #2, Rudny (Teacher of Basic Military Training)
- 2000-2004 Rudny Social-Humanitarian College named after I.Altynsarin, Rudny (Teacher of Law)
- 2004-2008 Secondary School #14 named after D.M. Karbyshev, Rudny (Teacher of Basic Military Training)
- 2008-2014 Rudny Industrial Institute (Senior Teacher)
- since 2014 Rudny Industrial Institute (Head of the Department of History of Kazakhstan, Social Sciences and the Humanities)
- 30 published scientific articles, including 4 published in journals and proceedings recommended by the Committee on supervision and certification in the field of science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- textbook on «Business Law»