Vaulina Naila Mukhametdinova
Vaulina Naila Mukhametdinova
Leningrad order of the red banner of Labor state pedagogical Institute A. I. Herzen 1972 teacher of chemistry
Moscow state regional University (2001-2003))
Moscow state regional University (2001-2003))
Candidate of technical Sciences
Main research interests:
The development of the methodology of developmental education
Membership in scientific and professional societies:
Correspondence participation in the scientific society of Kazan
Advanced training:
A workshop for methodologists of district (city) departments of education was held in the branch of JSC “NCPC ” Orleu” IPK PR in Kostanay region” in Kostanay.,
He supervised the regional scientific and practical platform on the basis of the Scientific and practical society “Daryn”. 2013-2016.
Read disciplines:
Ecological and analytical chemistry
Organic and inorganic chemistry