Automation and control
code: 5В070200
specialized subjects:
1) Physics
2) Math
Information Systems
code: 5В070300
specialized subjects:
1) Physics
2) Math
Electro Power-Industry
code: 5В071800
specialized subjects:
1) Physics
2) Math
Life Safety and Environmental Protection
code: 5В073100
specialized subjects:
1) Physics
2) Math
Technological machines and equipment (by branches)
code: 5В072400
specialized subjects:
1) Physics
2) Math
Technology and design of light industry products
code: 5В072600
specialized subjects:
1) Physics
2) Math
code: 5В072900
specialized subjects:
1) Physics
2) Math
Production of building materials, products and structures
code: 5В073000
specialized subjects:
1) Physics
2) Math
code: 5В070700
specialized subjects:
1) Physics
2) Math
code: 5В070900
specialized subjects:
1) Physics
2) Math
Transport, transport equipment and technology
code: 5В071300
specialized subjects:
1) Physics
2) Math
Heat engineering
code: 5В071700
specialized subjects:
1) Physics
2) Math
Mineral processing
code: 5В073700
specialized subjects:
1) Chemistry
2) Physics
code: 5В042100
specialized subject:
1) Creative exam
2) Creative exam
Social sciences, economics and business
code: 5В050600
specialized subjects:
1) Geography
2) Math
code: 5В050700
specialized subjects:
1) Geography
2) Math
In 2018
Academic mobility is the movement of students or research teachers for a specific academic period (including going to school or work experience), usually a semester or school year, to another institution of higher education (domestically or abroad) to study or conduct research, compulsory transfer in the prescribed manner of the mastered educational programs in the form of loans in their university.
The institute successfully operates the program of academic mobility: external (international) training at foreign universities and internal (national) – training at leading Kazakhstan universities.
External academic mobility of students provides:
– Training students in foreign universities for one semester.
– Training students in mutual educational program.
– Internship, study practice.
– Participation of students in exchange programs, in particular in the program of the International Association for the Exchange of Students of Technical Specialties (IAESTE).
1. Basic abbreviations
ECTS — European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System
GPA — Grade Point Average
EVEA— External Evaluation of Educational Achievements
SAC — State Attestation Commission
SEC — State Examination Commission
FSA— Final State Attestation
IES— Individual Educational Slope
IEP — Individual Education Plan
CED— Catalog of the Elective Disciplines
MES RK — Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
SRWS — Scientific Research Work of a Student
EP— Educational Program
RII— Rudny Industrial Institute
AC — Academic Curriculum
SIW — Student’s Individual Work
SIWL — Student’s Individual Work, supervised by a Lecturer
GC — Generic Curriculum
GEP — Generic Educational Programme
SG — Study Guide
IAARO – The Office for Academic Affairs and Research and International Intercourses
DET&MOOC Centre — the Centre of Distance Education Technologies and Mass Opened Online Courses
2. Glossary
Academic Calendar -calendar of training and control activities, professional internships during the school year, indicating the days of rest (holidays and feasts).
Academic backlog – the presence in the history of educational achievements of the student according to the curriculum of unexplored disciplines or disciplines with a failing grade for final control.
Academic term – cycle of theoretical classes, during of 1 semester 15 weeks.
Academic rating of a student – quantitative measure of the level of mastery of the curriculum of disciplines, compiled by the results of the interim assessment.
Academic freedom – the set of powers of the subjects of educational process provided to them for self-determination of the content of education in the elective component disciplines, additional types of training and organization of educational activities in order to create conditions for the creative development of students, teachers and the use of innovative technologies and teaching methods.
Academic degree — is a qualification awarded to students upon successful completion of a course of study in higher education.
Academic hour -the contact time of student with lecturer on a schedule for all types of classes (classroom work). The academic hour is 1 contact hour (50 minutes) of lecture, practical (seminar) classes, or 2 contact hours (100 minutes) of laboratory and physical education classes, as well as 1 contact hour (50 minutes) of all types of educational practices, 2 contact hours (100 minutes) of all types of pedagogical practices, 5 contact hours (250 minutes) of all types of manufacturing practices.
Appeal – a procedure to identify and eliminate biased assessment of a student’s knowledge.
Practice base – enterprises, organizations, institutions, educational institutions and scientific institutes and centers, or own structural branches of HEI where is conducted professional internship of students.
Undergraduate study — a professional higher education curriculum aimed at training specialists with the award of an academic degree “bachelor” in the relevant specialty with a standard term of study of at least 4 years and compulsory at least 129 credits of theoretical training and at least 6 credits of professional practice.
Bachelor’s degree — an academic degree awarded to those who have mastered the bachelor’s (higher education) education program.
EVEA — kind of independent monitoring of learning quality.
Administering sub-department— a department that trains and graduates in specialties that correspond to its profile.
SAC – a commission created by order of the rector, consists of the leading representatives of the teaching staff by specialty profile, chaired by a person approved by MES RK, who is not a lecturer or an employee of the institute.
SEC – a commission created by order of the rector for taking the state exam in the discipline “Modern History of Kazakhstan”, composed of the chairman and members of the commission. The SAC Chairman and the SEC composition are approved by order of the Rector from among highly qualified lecturers.
Descriptors – a description of the level and volume of knowledge, skills, abilities and competencies acquired by students upon completion of the educational program of the appropriate level (stage) of higher and postgraduate education; The descriptors are based on the learning outcomes, the generated competencies, as well as the total number of credits.
Graduation work – final work, which is a generalization of the results of independent study and research by a student of the actual problem of a particular specialty of the relevant industry.
DET -a technology based on the use of technical devices and remote access tools that allow the educational process to be carried out indirectly
Additional kinds of education – a part of the educational program, including various types of professional practices, physical education, military training, etc.
ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) – a method of assigning credit units (credits) to components of educational programs (subjects, courses, modules).
Enrollment— a procedure of registering students for academic disciplines of upcoming academic year.
IES – an independent choice, planning and mastering the content of education by students according to the individual curriculum within the framework of mastering the educational program of higher or postgraduate education.
IEP – a document reflecting the educational trajectory of a particular student, compiled independently by students for an academic period on the basis of the main or model curriculum and catalog of disciplines, containing a list of academic disciplines for which he registered and the number of credits.
Information technology of distance learning -the technology for creating, transmitting and storing educational materials on electronic media, information and telecommunication technologies for organizing and supporting the educational process.
Information and education portal –
a systematic, interconnected set of information resources and Internet services, containing administrative and academic educational and methodological information that allows organizing an educational process on DET.
Information education resources — formalized ideas and knowledge of an educational nature, various data, methods and means of their accumulation, storage and exchange between sources and consumers of information
Qualification Examination -a procedure carried out to determine the degree of mastering by students of programs of the appropriate level of education, the results of which give a state-approved education certificate (diploma). Final certification is carried out in the form of passing the state / comprehensive exam and / or thesis defense (project).
Final Examination – monitoring students’ academic achievements in order to assess the quality of their mastery of an academic program conducted during an interim attestation period in the form of an exam.
CED – a systematic, annotated list of all the disciplines of a component of choice, containing a brief description of them with an indication of the purpose of the study, a summary of the content (main sections) and the expected results of the study (students’ knowledge, skills, competencies).
Credit Unit System – an educational technology that increases the level of self-education and the creative development of knowledge on the basis of individualization, selectivity of the educational trajectory within the framework of accounting for the volume of knowledge in the form of credits and the cumulative education system.
Curator -a lecturer appointed to address issues of education, leisure activities, social conditions of students; it is possible to perform the functions of a curator and adviser by one person
Summer term – an academic period outside the study year, organized to meet the needs of students in additional training, the elimination of academic debt or the difference in curricula, study in coordination with other universities academic subjects, etc.
Module- a content unit of an educational program, representing one discipline or cycle of mutually complementary and / or related disciplines, which ensures the continuity of the curriculum, as well as the integrity and completeness of knowledge, skills and competencies formed at a certain stage of the educational program.
Multimedia -an indispensable, integral part of preparing qualified specialists at the institute, as an integral part of a single process: educational and scientifically-innovative.
SRWS – a collective leadership body for scientific work of the institute.
Scientific and Technical -a collective leadership body for scientific work of the institute.
Academic advisor — the academic mentor of the student, under whose guidance the students carry out their final work (thesis (project).
EP — an approved set of modules or course units required to award a particular degree / diploma. The development of educational programs usually takes into account the results to be achieved, as well as a structured set of procedures and training situations that will lead to the achievement of specified results.
Core Subjects – a list of subjects and the corresponding minimum volumes of credits established by the standard (main) curriculum of a specialty and studied by students in a mandatory manner.
Student teaching — a type of professional practice aimed at consolidating the theoretical knowledge gained by students in the process of teaching in higher education, on acquiring pedagogical skills and learning the advanced experience of professional and organizational work on the profile of a future pedagogical specialty in an educational institution.
Transfer of credits — a procedure for recognizing the equivalence of the content of a discipline studied in another educational institution or according to another curriculum, the discipline of the working curriculum in the specialty, approved and operating at the moment, with the introduction of the discipline and the score obtained for it in the student transcript.
Add/Drop Period — a period during which a learner can change his IEP by giving up one course and signing up for another
Prerequisites — disciplines that contain the knowledge, skills and skills necessary to master the discipline you are learning.
Postrequisites — disciplines that require the knowledge, skills and skills acquired at the end of the discipline.
Diploma Supplement – — a pan-European standardized supplement to the official document on higher education, which was developed according to the standards of the European Commission, the Council of Europe and UNESCO and describes the nature, level, context, content and status of education completed and successfully completed by the holder of educational qualifications.
Work experience internship — a type of professional practice aimed at consolidating theoretical knowledge of basic and core cycles of disciplines through practical, real student performance of specialist duties, the acquisition of practical skills and the development of advanced experience in professional and organizational work in a future specialty profile. In the process of production practice, the student is directly prepared for professional activities in all areas in real production conditions.
Midterm assessment of a student — a procedure conducted during the examination session to assess the quality of the students’ mastery of the content of a part or the entire volume of the academic discipline after its completion.
AC — an educational document developed by the institute independently on the basis of the GC specialty and individual curricula of students.
Handouts – a visual illustrative material, distributed in the process of training to motivate a student to successfully master the subject (abstracts, lectures, references, examples, glossary, tasks for independent work, etc.).
SIW -work on a specific list of topics devoted to independent study, provided with educational literature and recommendations, controlled in the form of tests, examinations, colloquiums, abstracts, essays and reports; depending on the category of students, it is subdivided into student’s individual work (hereinafter – SIW); The entire volume of SIW is confirmed by tasks that require the student to work independently every day.
SIWL (Office hours) — an extracurricular student work under the guidance of a lecturer, conducted according to an approved schedule;
Syllabus — a curriculum of the discipline, which includes a description of the discipline under study, goals and objectives of the discipline, a brief of its content, topics and duration of their study, tasks of independent work, consultation time, schedule of students knowledge checks, teacher requirements, criteria for assessing students’ knowledge and bibliography .
GPA — average weighted score of the student’s academic achievement level for one academic year in the chosen program (ratio of the sum of credits to the digital equivalent of the intermediate assessment grade in disciplines to the total number of credits for the current period of study);
The sample of GPA calculations
Subject | Number of credits | Letter Grading System (LGS) | Numeric equivalent |
Chemistry | 3 | A | 4.0 |
Computer Studies | 2 | B | 3.0 |
Physics | 6 | F | 0.0 |
Chemistry 4.0 х 3 = 12.0
Computer Studies 3.0 х 2 = 6.0
Physics.0 х 6 = 0.0
Sum of productions = 12 + 6 + 0 = 18.0
The overall number of credits = 3+2+6 = 11
GPA = Sum of productions / overall number of credits = 18,0 / 11 = 1,64
Academic Transcript — the document containing the list of mastered disciplines for the relevant period of study with an indication of credits and marks in letter and numerical equivalent.
Classroom training — a part of the educational program, which includes the study of cycles of general education, basic and majors in the standard curriculum, disciplines of the state compulsory, social and communicative and professional modules – in the core curriculum.
GC — an educational document developed on the basis of the Qualifier of Higher and Postgraduate Education RK and State Compulsory Educational Standard, regulating the structure and volume of the educational program for the cycles of disciplines, indicating the list of the minimum component disciplines and all types of practices, final certification, approved authorized body in the field of education.
Tutor — a lecturer who leads studies and acts as an academic consultant to learn a student in a particular discipline.
SG— a document consisting of a syllabus, a brief lecture notes, tasks for laboratory, practical and seminar classes, tasks for SIW, educational and practical material for independent work on topics and types of classes (case studies, collections of tasks, articles for analysis, etc. .), maps of methodological security discipline.
Advisor — a lecturer who performs the functions of an academic mentor of a student in a relevant specialty, assisting in choosing a learning path (shaping an individual curriculum) and mastering an educational program during the training period, it is possible to perform the functions of an advisor and curator by same person.
Elective courses — subjects that are part of an elective component within established credits and introduced by educational organizations, reflecting the student’s individual training, taking into account the specifics of socio-economic development and the needs of a particular region, established scientific schools of higher education institutions.
Examination session — a period of the final control of the degree of mastering students in the educational program in their specialty.
Electronic journal of attendance and progress – an online journal in the Portal RII information system, which is filled with teachers all the time during the academic period.
- General points
The volume of academic load of students is measured in credits earned during the school year for each academic discipline. Over the entire period of training at the institute, the student must master the required number of credits.
The curriculum of each undergraduate specialty contains three blocks of disciplines: general education, basic, profiling. The curriculum contains a list of disciplines of a compulsory component or an optional component with an indication of the number of credits. Each discipline is studied, as a rule, within one semester, but the curriculum is based on the principle of the sequence of studying the disciplines and strict accounting of prerequisites when studying each discipline.- The academic year consists of academic periods (semesters), which include intermediate knowledge control, final knowledge control (exam session), final certification (for the graduation course), practice and holidays. The duration of a semester of theoretical training ranges from 8 to 15 weeks, with the exception of the summer semester.
- Summer extra semester runs for up to 6 weeks. As a rule, disciplines for which students have not mastered the curriculum, as well as other disciplines, including for students of other specialties and from other universities, are usually taken out for the summer additional semester.
Learning in the summer extra semester is carried out only on a fee basis.
Summer extra semester provides students with the opportunity to eliminate the unsatisfactory grade in the disciplines, eliminate the difference in the curriculum, make adjustments to their individual plan due to timely study of prerequisites, increase their GPA.
A student who completed the course program in full, but did not score the minimum conversion point, in order to increase his GPA, is given the opportunity to re-examine certain disciplines on a paid basis in the summer supplementary semester (except for the discipline “Modern History of Kazakhstan”, on which the state exam is taken) and re-pass exams on them.
3.4. The duration and timing of each school year is indicated in the Academic calendar, which is published and communicated to students and teachers no later than three months before the beginning of the school year. In order to ensure that the students are widely informed on the content of elective disciplines (modules) offered by the faculty, a catalog of disciplines (modules) is published for each block of the curriculum. The catalog is developed by the departments and brought to the attention of students.
4.Choice of the Educational Slope by students
— A student independently creates an individual learning path based on the curriculum in the specialty and the Catalog of disciplines (modules). The student chooses the required number of required and elective disciplines (modules), which are reflected in the IEP. After that, in accordance with the curriculum of the specialty and the individual curricula of students, a working curriculum for the specialty for the academic year.
A student is responsible for compiling the IEP and completing the course of study in accordance with the requirements of the working curriculum of the specialty.
- Individual training planning is carried out for the academic year under the guidance of advisors. The list of advisors is approved by the rector of RII.
- Maximum number of credits included in the student’s IEP must match the number of credits established by the curriculum for the current semester and year of study, respectively. Students who are trained on a contractual basis can form their IEP with a smaller number of disciplines than provided by the curriculum, and the duration of training increases.
- Information on the subjects, including their brief description, is contained in the catalog of disciplines (modules), which is brought to the attention of students by graduating departments and advisors.
- Educational-methodical complexes for the disciplines according to the working curricula are placed in the “Portal” RII system no later than 10 working days before the beginning of the semester in which these disciplines (modules) are studies.
- The choice of subjects, (modules) should be made with the obligatory consideration of the sequence of studying the disciplines. A student cannot be registered for a discipline unless he has mastered the prerequisites for the discipline in the previous semester.
The head of the graduating department and advisers are responsible for timely informing students with academic debts about the possibilities of eliminating them in subsequent periods of theoretical training in order to observe the principle of prerequisite.
— Formed individual curriculum (IEP) in 3 copies is signed by students and provided to the adviser for approval.
The adviser, in the absence of comments, signs the IEP, coordinates it with the IAARO. After approval by the dean of the faculty, one copy remains with the student, the second copy is transmitted by the adviser to the IAARO for use in the attestation process, and the third is kept by the advisor and serves as the basis for monitoring the students’ implementation of the curriculum. The deadline for submitting an IEP at IAARO is the 1st week of the semester. The student’s IEP is registered under his personal identification number ID.
- On the basis of the curriculum and the individual curricula of students, the departments develop working curricula approved by the Institute’s Academic Council.
- The student has the right to change the IEP within the framework of the working curriculum of the specialty prior to the start of theoretical training during the registration period..
- Students enrolled in foreign HEIs, on the basis of international educational exchange programs, or RII partner programs within academic mobility, may be credited with credits earned by them during their studies abroad in disciplines that correspond to the approved specialty curriculum. To transfer credits, the graduating department, on the basis of the disciplines’ syllabuses, establishes the equivalence of the content of courses studied in a foreign university, to the working curriculum of the specialty.
- Registration for studies attending
- 5.1. Training sessions for each discipline (module) and the formation of a schedule are carried out on the basis of registration of students for the discipline (module). The student must register for a certain number of credits provided for in the specialty curriculum.5.2. Registration of a student for the study of academic disciplines (modules) of the upcoming academic year is carried out in the “Portal” system (http://rii.kz) RII in the online mode with methodological and advisory assistance to graduating departments after a detailed discussion of their individual learning paths with adviser, who gives explanations on the choice of disciplines in accordance with the approved curriculum and catalog of elective disciplines.5.3. For new entrants to the Institute during the orientation period, a general familiarity with the credit system of education, the procedure of registration for disciplines is carried out.During the orientation week, meetings are held with representatives of the administration, deans of faculties, heads of departments, advisors. Each student is assigned an ID number (login), password.- Registration received in the RII is made before the beginning of the first semester after passing the orientation period. For this category of students, the basis for access to registration is the order of enrollment in the number of students of the institute and payment for the semester (if the training is carried out on a fee basis).The rest of the students are registered for the disciplines of the next academic year and the re-passing of disciplines during the registration period specified in the Academic calendar.
- The basis for access to registration is:
• passing all the prerequisites required for the study of a particular discipline;
• lack of financial arrears in tuition fees;
• trainees undergoing a comprehensive medical examination
• Registration for the additional summer semester is carried out at the end of the spring semester, except for students in the final year of study.
• Registration for the re-learning of the discipline is carried out within the established deadlines for general registration, but provides for advance payment for training, since re-learning of the discipline is carried out only on a fee basis for all specialties and forms of training.
• Academic flows of students are formed on the principle of a sufficient number of students enrolled in this discipline.
• Academic flows of students in elective disciplines of specialties with a small contingent of students are formed on the principle of recording all students in one discipline. The total number of students in this case should be at least 10-12 people.
If the number of students is less than the minimum established, the discipline does not open. Students who register for this discipline, warn about it and within 3 days after the end of registration they are asked to repeat the choice of discipline.
In the case of registration for a given academic discipline of students in quantities exceeding the maximum set number, an additional academic flow is formed in the given discipline.
• The RII uses distance learning technologies using electronic teaching materials. Remote study of individual disciplines of the curriculum is allowed in cases provided for in the regulatory documents of MES RK.
- Student’s Individual Work
- The basis for access to registration is:
- 6.1 In terms of the credit technology of students, for the full development of the educational program, a large amount of independent work is performed, which is divided into two parts: independent work, which is performed under the guidance of a teacher (SIWL), and that part, which is performed completely independently (SIW).6.2 SIWL is an out-of-class form of student work, which is performed by him in contact with the teacher on a separate schedule during the office hours of the teacher, approved by the dean of the faculty. This type of work includes advice on the most complex issues of the curriculum, homework assignments, course projects (works), and control of semester work, reports and other types of independent work assignments.
- All types of independent work are necessarily described in the syllabus and SG with indication of specific tasks, evaluation criteria and schedule of assignments.
- Контроль учебных достижений обучающихся
7. Control of students’ achievements
7.1 To check the educational achievements of students, the following types of students’ knowledge control are provided:
• current control;
• midterm control;
• final control.
7.2. Ongoing control is a systematic examination of students’ knowledge in accordance with the curriculum, conducted by the teacher in classroom and extracurricular classes according to a schedule during the academic period.
7.3. Boundary control is the monitoring of students ’educational achievements at the end of a large section (module) of one academic discipline, carried out according to the academic calendar with the inclusion of the results of current control and putting the results of the boundary controls in the“ Portal ”statement (http://rii.kz). The number of mid-term controls is determined by the work curriculum and is indicated in the discipline syllabus.
7.4. The form of the current, boundary controls, depending on the specifics of the discipline, is set by the teacher. Current, boundary controls can be carried out in the form of test surveys, written tests, assessing the participation of students in debates, round tables, business games, solving situational problems, etc. Detailed information on the forms of the current and boundary control is included in the syllabus of the discipline and communicated to students.
7.5. As a result, the maximum indicator of academic achievement in the midterm controls for a discipline is 100 points maximum for each midterm control, including the results of current controls. The results of the midterm controls are entered by the teacher in the list of midterm controls in the “Portal” system no later than the next Monday after the attestation week. Changes in the results of the midterm control in order to improve them are not allowed.
7.6. If a student has not scored points for mid-term controls for a good reason, documented (due to illness, business circumstances and other objective reasons) during the semester, then he has the right to refine points in terms established by the dean’s office after completing the corresponding application and written decree of the dean . The student who has received the appropriate permission is obliged to meet with the teacher and determine the scope and types of work necessary for the performance.
7.7. Students who have not passed their term papers (projects) are not allowed to take the exam in the relevant discipline.
7.8. The final control is the verification of the educational achievements of students, conducted after the completion of the discipline during the examination session (interim certification). Students who scored at least 30 points (PK1 + PK2 / 2) according to the results of the mid-term controls are allowed to the final knowledge control. The maximum mark for the exam is 100 points.
7.9. The duration of the exam sessions and the number of examinations is determined in accordance with the approved working curriculum of the specialty and the academic calendar. Responsibility for organizing and conducting an examination session rests with the dean of the faculty, IAARO.
7.10. Students must pass all exams in strict accordance with the work and individual curriculum for the approved curriculum disciplines.
The form and procedure for conducting examinations for each academic discipline shall be established by the Faculty Council not later than one month after the beginning of the academic period.
Examination sessions in the form of correspondence, their periods and number in the academic year are determined by the approved curriculum specialties. Admission to the exam in the discipline of part-time students, full-time students using DET is carried out in the same manner as full-time students.
7.11. At the graduation course an external evaluation of educational achievements is carried out, which is carried out in order to assess the quality of educational services and determine the level of mastering by students of the volume of academic disciplines stipulated by the programs of higher education.
8.1 Учебные достижения обучающихся по всем видам учебных заданий оцениваются по балльно-рейтинговой буквенной системе оценки знаний.
8.2 При проведении итогового контроля положительная оценка записывается в экзаменационную ведомость по учебной дисциплине и электронную зачетную книжку обучающегося. После завершения экзамена по каждой дисциплине студенту выставляется итоговая оценка, которая служит оценкой его учебных достижений.
Положительная оценка (А, А- «отлично», В+ В, В-, С+ «хорошо», С, С-, Д+, Д- «удовлетворительно») записывается в экзаменационную ведомость по учебной дисциплине и зачетную книжку студента с указанием набранных кредитов. Оценка FX , F «неудовлетворительно» записывается только в экзаменационной ведомости.
8.2 Итоговая оценка по дисциплине включает оценки рейтинга допуска и итогового контроля. Оценка текущего контроля успеваемости (рейтинга допуска) составляет не менее 60% от итоговой оценки знаний по дисциплине, и оценка экзамена составляет не менее 30% от итоговой оценки знаний по дисциплине.
- Положительная итоговая оценка служит основанием для дополнения освоенных кредитов установленным количеством кредитов по соответствующей дисциплине и заносится в транскрипт студента.
- В случае если студент получает по итоговому контролю (экзамену) оценку «неудовлетворительно», итоговая оценка по дисциплине не подсчитывается.
- В период промежуточной аттестации обучающегося допускается пересдача экзамена по учебной дисциплине (модулю) не более двух раз.
- В случае получения в третий раз оценки FX или F, соответствующей эквиваленту оценки «неудовлетворительно», обучающийся отчисляется из вуза независимо от количества полученных оценок «неудовлетворительно» и теряет возможность записываться на данную дисциплину повторно.
- Assessment of students’ knowledge
8.1 Learning achievements of students for all types of learning tasks are evaluated on a point-rating alphabetic system of knowledge assessment.
8.2 When conducting a final control, a positive score is recorded in the exam sheet for the academic discipline and the student’s electronic record book. After completing the exam in each discipline, the student is given a final grade, which serves as an assessment of his academic achievements.
A positive mark (A, A- “excellent”, B + B, B-, C + “good”, C, C-, D +, D- “satisfactory”) is recorded in the examination sheet for the academic discipline and grade book of the student with indication of credits. The score for FX, F “unsatisfactory” is recorded only in the examination sheet.
8.3 The final assessment of the discipline includes the assessment of the rating of admission and final control. The assessment of the current performance monitoring (tolerance rating) is at least 60% of the final assessment of knowledge in the discipline, and the exam assessment is at least 30% of the final assessment of knowledge in the discipline.
- A positive final grade serves as the basis for supplementing a used loan with a set amount of loans for the relevant discipline and is entered in the student transcript.
• If a student receives a “unsatisfactory” grade for the final control (exam), the final grade for the discipline is not calculated.
• In the period of intermediate certification of the student, it is allowed to retake the exam in the academic discipline (module) no more than two times.
• In the case of a third time receiving an assessment of FX or F, corresponding to the equivalent of “unsatisfactory”, the student is expelled from the university regardless of the number of received assessments “unsatisfactory” and loses the opportunity to enroll in this discipline again.
8.7 Retake a positive assessment of the final control in order to increase it in the same period of interim certification is not allowed.
8.8 Students take all exams in strict accordance with the individual curriculum and approved educational programs uniform for all forms of education.
8.9 Students can also take exams in the disciplines of additional types of studies, the results of which are recorded in the examination sheet, gradebook and transcript.
8.10 To retake the test from “unsatisfactory” to a positive one, a student in the next academic period or summer semester again attends all types of studies provided for by the educational program in this discipline, receives admission and passes the final control.
In this case, the student again goes through the procedure of registering for an academic discipline.
8.11 If a student who has completed the program of discipline in full, did not appear for the exam, in the examination sheet, in front of his name, the mark “did not appear” is made. If there is a valid reason, an individual schedule for passing the exam is established by the order of the dean of the faculty In the absence of a valid reason, non-attendance at the exam is equivalent to an “unsatisfactory” grade, which is being retaken in a later period.
8.12 A student who disagrees with the result of the final control, makes an appeal no later than the next working day after the exam.
8.13 At the end of the school year, on the basis of the results of the examination sessions, students are transferred from course to course.
8.14 Students who have scored the minimum level of a transfer point, on the basis of the submission of the dean of the faculty, are transferred to the next course by the order of the rector.
8.15 A student who completed the course program in full, but did not score the minimum conversion point, in order to improve his average grade point (GPA), is given the opportunity to re-examine individual disciplines on a paid basis in the summer semester (except for the discipline “Modern History of Kazakhstan”, on which the state exam is taken) and re-pass exams on them.
8.16 With a positive result of re-passing the exam, the final grade is re-calculated, which is recorded in the examination record, grade book and transcript.
When calculating the average grade point, the latest marks for the academic discipline are taken into account.
8.17 Students – holders of educational grants who are left for a second course of study, are deprived of an educational grant and continue their further education only on a fee basis.
Students – holders of educational grants who have scored a translated GPA score and transferred to the next course with academic debts, are not deprived of an educational grant. In this case, they must re-examine the disciplines for which they have debts, on a fee basis and pass an exam on them. The cost of one loan in the context of specialties is determined by the Financial Service.
9.1. The main and obligatory practices of students in the RII are: training, industrial, undergraduate.
9.2. All internships are conducted in accordance with the Practice Programs containing the basic requirements for internship. The program is developed by the graduating department taking into account the profile of the specialty, the nature of the enterprise, the organization – the places of practice.
9.3. The organization of practice at all stages should be aimed at ensuring the continuity and consistency of mastering the learning professional skills in accordance with the requirements for the level of graduate training.
9.4. Learning internship of students can be held in the departments of the institute or in enterprises, institutions and organizations.
Practical, pre-diploma practice of students, is conducted, as a rule, in enterprises, institutions and organizations that are bases of practice in accordance with existing agreements on providing a base of practice.
9.5. The terms of the internship are established by the institute in accordance with the curriculum and academic calendar, taking into account the capabilities of the training and production base of the institute and organizations – the bases of practice and the level of preparedness of students.
9.6. The curricula of specialties determine the number of credits corresponding to each type of practice. Students register for the appropriate type of practice and include it in their individual training plan. The results of the practice the student-trainee draws up in the form of a written report that protects the commission in the department. The assessment of the results of the internship by students is equivalent to the estimates for theoretical training, is taken into account when considering the issue of assigning scholarships and when calculating the total GPA and transferring it to the next year of study and recorded in the practice sheet.
9.7. The general results of the practice are summed up at the departments with the participation of representatives of the practice bases
9.8. The results of the practice are discussed at the final conference, where students make presentations and reports.
Internship results are recorded in the form of a written report, which is submitted to the commission at the graduating department.
- Organization and holding of the state exam on the Modern History of Kazakhstan
10.1. A compulsory requirement in all academic Bachelor of RII programs is the study of Modern History of Kazakhstan. Students of all undergraduate specialties pass the state exam in the discipline “Modern History of Kazakhstan” at the end of its study during the interim certification, according to the approved academic calendar.
10.2.Students enrolled in reduced educational programs with an accelerated period of study on the basis of higher education, do not study and do not pass the state exam in the discipline “Modern History of Kazakhstan”.
10.3.The working curriculum of the state exam in the discipline “Modern History of Kazakhstan” is developed on the basis of the model curriculum in this discipline and approved by the Academic Council of the Institute. The form of the state exam is determined by the Academic Council of the Institute.
10.4. The State Examination Commission (SEC) consisting of the chairman and members of the commission for a calendar year is formed to take the state exam in the discipline “Modern History of Kazakhstan”. The results of passing the state exam in the discipline “Modern History of Kazakhstan” are taken into account when summing up the results of the exam session in which it is provided.
10.5.In the case of a student receiving a “unsatisfactory” grade for the state exam in the discipline “Modern History of Kazakhstan”, he re-enrolls for this discipline on a fee basis, re-visits all types of classes in the next academic period, fulfills the requirements of current control, receives admission and passes the state exam.
10.6. Passing a positive mark on the state exam in order to raise it is not allowed.
- Academic Mobility of Students
11.1.Academic Mobility — relocation of students to study for a specific academic period: a semester or academic year to another institution of higher education (domestically or abroad) with mandatory recalculation of mastered educational curricula in the form of credits in their university or to continue studying in another HEI .
11.2. Types of Academic Mobility:
Internal Academic Mobility is the transfer of students, research teachers to study or conduct research for a specific academic period: a semester / academic year to another institution of higher education in Kazakhstan with mandatory recalculation of developed educational programs in the form of credits in your HEI or to continue studying in another HEI .
External Academic Mobility
– training students in foreign universities for one semester;
– training students in joint educational programs;
– internship, training internships;
– participation of students in exchange programs, in particular in the program of the International Association for the Exchange of Students of Technical Specialties (IAESTE).
11.2. The goals, objectives and general rules for ensuring and implementing academic mobility of students follow the basic principles of the Bologna Declaration.
11.3.Academic mobility of students of RII is carried out within the framework of inter-university agreements / agreements or joint projects: a tripartite agreement / agreement of the student, sending and receiving high school for internal academic mobility, and invitations for international academic mobility.
- Final student certification
11.1. Final student certification at RII is held for higher education specialties within the time frame stipulated by the academic calendar and the approved work plans of specialties.
11.2. To conduct final certification of students, a state attestation commission (SAC) is created for each specialty for all forms of education. Deans of faculties until October 15 of this year, represent the candidates for chairpersons of the SSC, from among the professors, associate professors, scientists who do not work in this university. The candidacy of the chairman of the SAC and the composition of the SAC are approved by order of the rector of the institute.
11.3. Admission to the final attestation of students is issued by order of the dean of the faculty (order by the institute) on the list of students no later than two weeks before the start of the final attestation and submitted to SAC.
Students who have fully completed the educational process in accordance with the requirements of the work and individual curriculum and work curricula are admitted to the final attestation. A graduate student who has not fulfilled the requirements of the work and individual curriculum and working curricula, is left for a second course without a summer semester.
11.4.The schedule of the work of SAC is approved by the Rector and communicated to the general information no later than two weeks before the beginning of SAC work.
11.5.Temes and reviewers of diploma works of students of the graduate course of a bachelor’s degree are approved by order of the rector of the institute by a common list upon the presentation of the faculty indicating the place of work and the position at the beginning of the graduation course.
11.6. The thesis (project) is reviewed only by external specialists from outside organizations whose qualifications correspond to the profile of the work to be defended.
11.7. Instead of defending a thesis (project), it is allowed to take two state exams in major specialty disciplines (educational program), in case a student:
is on long-term treatment in the hospital (more than one month) on the basis of a medical certificate of health;
• raising a child under the age of 3 years based on the birth certificate of the child;
• cares for sick parents on the basis of a medical certificate on the state of health of the parents;
• a disabled person on the basis of a medical certificate of disability.
11.8.The student protects the final work (thesis / project) in the presence of a positive feedback from the supervisor. If the supervisor gives a negative opinion “not allowed to protect,” the student does not protect the final work.
11.9. Diploma works (projects) prior to the defense undergo mandatory testing for the presence of plagiarism.
11.10. The results of passing state examinations and defense of diploma theses are announced on the day they are held. Decisions on assessments of protection, as well as on conferring qualifications, awarding an academic degree and issuing a state-recognized diploma (without distinction, with honors) are made by the SJC at a closed meeting by open vote by a simple majority of votes of the commission members who participated in the meeting.
11.11. Repeated passing the state exam and defending a thesis in order to increase a positive assessment is not allowed.
Those who have received unsatisfactory grades are not allowed to retake the exam in this period of the final certification. Documents on health status submitted to the SJK after receiving an unsatisfactory assessment are not considered.
11.12. Upon receipt of the “F-unsatisfactory” grade, re-taking state examinations and / or re-defense of the thesis in this period of final certification is not allowed.
11.13.In cases where the defense of a thesis (project) is deemed unsatisfactory, the SJC provides the opportunity to re-defend the same work with the revision or the development of a new theme.
11.14. Students who have received an “unsatisfactory” grade during the final certification are expelled from the university by order of the head of the university with the issuance of a Certificate of the established sample.
11.15. Repeated final attestation is carried out in the next period of final attestation only in those forms for which the rating “unsatisfactory” was obtained in the previous final attestation. At the same time, the list of disciplines submitted for the state exam for those who did not pass these exams is determined by the approved work curriculum valid in the year of graduation of the theoretical course.
11.16.To re-pass the final attestation, the student, expelled from the institute, no later than two weeks before the start of the final attestation of the next academic year, writes a statement addressed to the head of the educational organization about the admission of admission to those forms for which the “F-unsatisfactory” grade was obtained. The student is allowed to retake the state exam and / or re-protection of final work only on a fee basis.
11.17. A graduate of the GAK is given qualification and / or academic degree “bachelor” in the relevant specialty and a diploma of a state sample with an attachment.
11.18.The undergraduate student who passed the exams and differentiated tests with grades A, A – “excellent”, B-, B, B +, C + “good” and having an average academic achievement (GPA) for the entire period of study not less than 3.5 , as well as having passed all state examinations and defended his thesis (project) with grades A, A – “excellent”, a diploma is awarded with honors.
A student who had a retake or repeated examinations during the period of study does not receive an honors degree.
- Registration of the history of educational achievements of students
12.1.History of educational achievements of students is reflected:
• in the record book indicating the disciplines, teachers, the results of mid-term and final control, intermediate and final certification, as well as all types of practice;
• a transcript that contains a list of mastered disciplines for the relevant period of study, indicating loans and grades in alphabetic and numerical terms.
12.2.The transcript records all the student’s final grades, including the positive results of the repeated exams.
12.3.Transcript issued to students for expulsion, academic mobility, overseas internships; for registration of an order for a discount in payment, Presidential and nominal scholarships; for transfer from a contractual basis to a state educational grant; for practical training in companies; for loan processing in banks; for transfer within the institute and to other universities; as well as issued to persons who have passed the difference in prerequisites or have studied at the institute under programs of academic (external, internal) mobility.
12.4. On the basis of a transcript in 3 languages with all completed academic disciplines, all kinds of professional practices and results of final state attestation with grades and volumes in credits, indicating the GPA is issued a diploma supplement.
12.5.Transcript issued by the dean of the faculty in the prescribed form.
13.1. Обучающийся РИИ может быть отчислен из института:
- по собственному желанию;
- в связи с переводом в другое высшее учебное заведение;
- за неуплату за обучение;
- за нарушение правил внутреннего распорядка, Устава РИИ и Кодекса чести студента.
13.2.Уважительными причинами пропуска занятий могут быть медицинские показания, подтвержденные справкой, предоставленной в течение 3 -х дней после болезни в Деканат, выезд в зарубежную командировку, участие в спортивных и других мероприятиях республиканского уровня с согласия администрации института, а также форс-мажорные обстоятельства, подтвержденные документально.
13.3.Обучающиеся, обладатели образовательных грантов, отчисленные из института, лишаются образовательного гранта.
13.4.Обучающиеся РИИ имеют право на академический отпуск по медицинским показаниям, а также в связи с призывом в ряды Вооруженных Сил РК.
Процедура предоставления академического отпуска осуществляется в полном соответствии с соответствующими нормативами МОН РК и Законом Республики Казахстан «Об образовании».
Для ликвидации возникшей разницы в рабочих учебных планах обучающийся, вернувшийся из академического отпуска, регистрируется на необходимые дисциплины и повторно изучает их в течение семестра вместе с текущими потоками или в рамках дополнительного семестра.
- The order of transfer and recovery of students
14.1.Transfer of students is carried out from one course to another, from one educational organization to another, from one language department to another, from one educational program to another, from a paid basis to training on a state educational grant during the summer and winter holidays.
14.2 The transfer of a student from a paid basis to training under a state educational grant is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the current legislation in accordance with the Rules of awarding an educational grant to pay for higher education, approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 23, 2008 No. 58.
14.3 The student is transferred or restored to any educational organization, regardless of the timing of deduction during restoration.
14.4 A student enrolled in an educational grant may transfer with the preservation of the educational grant to another educational organization.
14.5 Students enrolled in target places under an educational grant approved for the Rudny Industrial Institute within the allocated quota may be transferred to another educational organization only on a fee basis.
14.6 When transferring, restoring, and learning within the framework of academic mobility, the achieved learning outcomes, positive assessments of students are recognized with the transfer of academic credits from one educational program to another, from one organization to another.
14.7 When translating or restoring students, the academic difference in the disciplines of the work curricula they have studied in previous academic periods is determined.14.8 To eliminate the academic difference in the disciplines of the working curriculum, the learner enrolls in these disciplines, attends all types of classes during the academic period, passes all types of current control, gets admission to the final control.
If the disciplines of academic difference are not included in the schedule of studies of the current academic period, the student enrolls them in the additional summer semester.
14.9 The academic difference in the disciplines of the work curriculum, which was not eliminated in the additional summer semester, is subsequently taken into account as academic indebtedness.
14.10 List of documents required:
– to restore to the number of students:
1) application for restoration addressed to the head of the university;2) a transcript, a copy of an academic certificate or a certificate issued to persons who have not completed education in the form approved by order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 12, 2009 No. 289 “On approval of the form issued to persons who have not completed education” (registered in The register of state registration of regulatory legal acts under No. 5717).
– when transferring from one university to another:
1) an application for transfer in any form to the name of the head of the university;
2) a copy of the transcript according to the form approved by order of the Minister of Education
and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 20, 2011 No. 152 “On approval of the Rules for the organization of the educational process on credit technology of education” (registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts under No. 6976);
3) a copy of the certificate of the educational grant holder in the form approved by the order of the Acting Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 23, 2007 No. 502 “On approval of the forms of strict reporting documents used by educational organizations in educational activities” (registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal Acts under No. 4991) (if available);
– when transferring an educational grant student from one university to another:1) a student who wants to transfer to another university, submits a free-form application for the transfer to the head of the university where he is studying, and, having received a written consent to the translation, sealed, refers to the head of the university he is interested in;
2) a copy of the transcript signed by the vice-rector for academic work and the office by the registrar, and sealed, the certificate of the educational grant holder, the application addressed to the head of the university where he studied (with the signature of the head and seal) ;
3) on the basis of the documents submitted, the dean of the faculty (director of the institute) determines the difference of disciplines in the curriculum and, in accordance with the mastered prerequisites, establishes a course of study, recounts the mastered credits in accordance with the educational program and approves the student’s individual curriculum in coordination with the registration department;
4) in accordance with the visas of the dean of the faculty (director of the institute), the office of the Registrar, the head of the department responsible for academic issues, the vice-rector for academic affairs, the head of the university issues an order to transfer the student,
– when transferring or recovering a student from a foreign organization
- The procedure for awarding vacant educational grants released in the process of obtaining higher education
15.1 Vacant educational grants released in the process of higher education, in the context of training specialties are awarded on a competitive basis to students on a paid basis in this specialty. The competition is held according to the results of interim certification with the issuance of a certificate for the award of an educational grant.
In the case of the same indicators of the average grade point when conducting a competition for receiving vacant educational grants, students with an A, A- (“excellent”) grade, then from A, A- (“excellent”) to B + +, B , B- (“good”) for the entire period of study.
15.2. Awarding vacant educational grants, released in the process of obtaining higher education, is carried out during the summer and winter holidays, on available vacancies on a competitive basis, in the following order:
• a student on a paid basis submits an application addressed to the rector of the institute; further training on an educational grant;
• the institute, having considered this application on a competitive basis, together with the decision of the academic council, before August 5 and January 15 of the current year, sends it to the authorized educational authority for decision-making. An application from the student’s transcript or transcript of the student, a copy of an identity document, and a certificate of the holder of an educational grant (original), expelled from the institute are attached to the application of the student along with the decision of the academic council;
• The authorized body in the field of education considers the received documents in the context of specialties, forms and terms of training, taking into account the year of enrollment and, if the matter is positive, issues an order awarding an educational grant;
• on the basis of the order of the authorized body in the field of education, a certificate of award of the educational grant is issued;
• on the basis of an educational grant award certificate, the rector issues an order for further
16. Payroll practices of state scholarships
- 16.1.Payment of state scholarships for RII students is carried out in full accordance with statutory documents of Kazakhstan government, Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and education act RK.16.2. State scholarship paying students for state educational order and also for students transferred to learning by state educational order, who received, according to the results of the examination session or intermediate certification of students, the equivalent of marks corresponding to the “good” and “excellent” marks.16.3. RII promotes the establishment of scholarships for students of the institute by various public and charitable organizations and national companies to encourage students’ creative activity.
- On the appointment of scholarships and grants from the rector of RII, the Trust Capital Fund, the RII Endowment Fund, the institute’s corporate partners.
17.1 The Institute’s Scientific Council approves the number and size of scholarships and educational grants of the RII rector on an annual basis. Scholarships and educational grants are awarded for the academic semester.
17.2 The Institute’s Supervisory Board annually approves the number and size of scholarships and grants allocated from the RII Trust Capital Fund. Scholarships and educational grants are awarded for the academic semester.
17.3 The number and size of grants of corporate partners are set by the management of enterprises that are corporate partners of HEI.
- Transparency of educational process
18.1. The organization of the educational process at the Institute is implemented on the principles of openness, transparency, objectivity and ethical standards.
18.2. Students should not be allowed to:
- plagiarism and other forms of dishonest work;
- prompting and cheating during any kind of control;
- copying solved tasks performed by others;
- passing the exam for another student.
18.3. Faculty members must:
- provide learning quality;
- provide the availability of teaching materials on the discipline being taught;
- objectively realize the all control forms;
- adequately perceive criticism from the colleagues and students, learn and use it for self-improvement.
18.4. The administration implements measures to ensure transparency, openness, objectivity and accessibility of the educational process.
18.5. The Institute does not allow any form of discrimination, including on social, racial, gender, ethnic, religious grounds.
Cooperation with the HEIs and enterprises abroad, for the External Academic Mobility of the students
National Research University, Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia).
Wismar University of Applied Sciences: Technologies, Business and Design. (Wismar, Germany).
Tennessee Tech University (U.S.)
South Ural State University, National Research University (Chelyabinsk,Russia)
Riga Technical University (Riga, Latvia).
RPO “National Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan IAESTE.
28 students of the Institute have internship in Germany, Poland, China, Austria, Slovakia, Czechia, Hungary and Turkey. Under this program the Institute annual hosts the foreign students to internships (Greece, Germany, Poland, Portugal, Roumania, China, Slovakia, Norway, Tunisia, Turkey, India & Ors), also directs its students to Europe and Asia (Poland, Czechia, Germany, Spain, Greece, Korea & Ors).
RII cooperates with various international organizations: EU programs “Tempus”, “Erasmus Mundus”, British Council, USAID, CIPA, EN IAESTE, DAAD & Ors.
8 students have participated in the program of german academic service for exchange.
Participation in the international program of EU – Tempus promotes the development of academic mobility of the students; its main tasks are the introduction and improvement of credit technology, the development of innovative technologies, the exchange of students, lecturers and advanced training of faculty members.
At the Institute conducts the work for advancement of internal academic mobility. Cooperation agreements in the field of educational services have been concluded with 21 HEIs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Over the past five years 33 students have studied at the leading HEIs of Kazakhstan under the internal academic mobility.
Participation in the program of academic mobility is open to the students of 1st and 3rd courses.
To study abroad and in Kazakhstan for the program of academic mobility a performance must be “A”, “A-“, “B+”, “B”, “B-“ and the following documents’ list:
1) Application from a student;
2) Commendatory letter;
3) Individual education plan (IEP);
4)Copy of academic transcript (for a student);
5) Statement of good health;
6) Copy of the invitation from foreign HEI;
7) Copy of business trip order abroad or at the HEIs RK;
8) Written consent of the parents (fosters, legal surrogate) of a pretender to studying abroad during more 2 months (under-18s);
9) Agreement signed between a pretender, host and send HEIs
10) Trilateral studying agreement in due form approved by CET rules concludes by pretenders.
11) Photo 3х4.
International and national Academic Mobility of the students and faculty members of the Industrial Institute of Rudny is key factor of formation of high-qualified, modern specialists, competitive in the domestic and international labor-market.
The Industrial Institute of Rudny will be happy to accept the students from Kazakhstan and abroad countries to learning.
To the students RII proposes:
— innovative education process: introducing of progressive forms of the organization of educational process, using modern information technologies and interactive studying methods;
— modern laboratory facilities;
— professional faculty members good at preparing highly-qualified specialists.
Support of the students is well-developed at the Institute: comfortable dormitory, canteen, library with electronic reading-room and Wi-Fi hot-spots, 2 gyms and ski lodge.
Active development of the scientific-research work of the students
Scientific works of the students are announced winners of the republican competition “Fund of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan” for the best scientific work of the students in engineering sciences of competition of energy-saving projects conducted by the corporation “Chevron” and the Union of Power Engineers of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Annually the graduation works of our students take the award-winning places in the Republic.
In the process of studying students get the skills of professional, research and executive activities.
In educational work of RII are issuing the decisions for socialization of a personality, forming a skill of executive activity, personality development, its self-esteem, providing its competitive and self-reliance.
The students of RII participate actively in town-events, regionally events and the republican.

Head of the Office for Academic Affairs and Research and International Intercourses
Ibraeva Altyn
8 (71431) 50882 (120)

Senior Specialist of the Office for Academic Affairs and Research and International Intercourses
Murzagalieva Amangul
8(71431)50882 ext.107
8(71431)50703 (fax)
The Industrial Institute of Rudny trains bachelors in higher education programs on credit technology of education, the main task of which is to develop students’ ability to organize and educate themselves based on the educational trajectory selectivity as part of the regulation of the educational process and accounting for knowledge in the form of loans.
Academic policy determines the organization of training at the institute for the credit system of training for higher education programs. The document includes the registration procedure for students attending classes; conducting current, intermediate and final controls; organizing the passage of students of all kinds of practices; assessment of students’ knowledge; the procedure for payment of state scholarships to students; rules of transfer, recovery, deduction of students; final certification, etc.
Academic policy is developed in accordance with the regulatory documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
1) Academic calendar —a calendar of training and control activities, professional internships during the school year, indicating the days of rest (holidays and feasts).
2) Academic term — a cycle of theoretical classes, during of 1 semester 15 weeks.
3) Academic mobility – is a relocation of students to study for a specific academic period: a semester or academic year to another institution of higher education (domestically or abroad) with mandatory recalculation of mastered educational curricula in the form of credits in their university or to continue studying in another HEI.
4) Academic freedom — the set of powers of the subjects of educational process provided to them for self-determination of the content of education in the elective component disciplines, additional types of training and organization of educational activities in order to create conditions for the creative development of students, teachers and the use of innovative technologies and teaching methods.
5) Academic rating of a student —a quantitative measure of the level of mastery of the curriculum of disciplines, compiled by the results of the interim assessment.
6) Academic degree — a degree awarded by educational organizations to students who have mastered relevant educational curricula, according to the results of final certification;
7) Academic hour – the contact time of student with lecturer on a schedule for all types of classes (classroom work).
8) Handouts — a visual illustrative material, distributed in the process of training to motivate a student to successfully master the subject (abstracts, lectures, references, examples, glossary, tasks for independent work, etc.).
9) Qualification Examination — a procedure carried out to determine the degree of mastering by students of programs of the appropriate level of education, the results of which give a state-approved education certificate (diploma). Final certification is carried out in the form of passing the state / comprehensive exam and / or thesis defense (project).
10) Midterm assessment of a student — a procedure conducted during the examination session to assess the quality of the students’ mastery of the content of a part or the entire volume of the academic discipline after its completion.
11) Student’s individual work — work on a specific list of topics devoted to independent study, provided with educational literature and recommendations, controlled in the form of tests, examinations, colloquiums, abstracts, essays and reports; depending on the category of students, it is subdivided into student’s individual work (hereinafter – SIW); The entire volume of SIW is confirmed by tasks that require the student to work independently every day.
12) Study achievements of students — knowledge, abilities, skills and competencies of students, acquired by them in the learning process and reflecting the achieved level of personal development;
13) Control of learning achievements of students – checking the level of students’ knowledge by various forms of control (current, boundary and final) and certification, determined independently by the higher educational institution;
14) Current control of learning achievements of students – a systematic examination of students in accordance with the curriculum, conducted by the teacher in the classroom and extracurricular classes during the academic period;
15) Double degree – the possibility of parallel training in two curricula (educational programs) in order to obtain two equivalent diplomas (Double Major) or one main and second additional diplomas (Major – Minor);
16) European Credit transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) – a method of assigning credit units (credits) to components of educational programs (subjects, courses, modules).
17) Individual education plan – a document reflecting the educational trajectory of a particular student, compiled independently by students for an academic period on the basis of the main or model curriculum and catalog of disciplines, containing a list of academic disciplines for which he registered and the number of credits.
18) Credit, credit-hour – a unified unit of measurement of the student’s / lecturer’s academic work;
19) Credit learning technology – learning based on the selection and self-planning by students of the sequence of studying disciplines using credit as a unified unit of measurement of the student’s and teacher’s academic work;
20) Summative assessment – monitoring students’ academic achievements in order to assess the quality of their mastery of the program of an academic discipline, conducted during the interim attestation period in the form of an exam, if the discipline is studied over several academic periods, the final control can be carried out on the part of the discipline studied in this academic period;
21) Midterm examination – control of educational achievements of students at the end of the section (module) of one academic discipline;
22) Enrollment— a procedure of registering students for academic disciplines of upcoming academic year.
23) Point-rating letter grading system of study achievements – a system for assessing the level of academic achievements in points, corresponding to the internationally accepted letter system with a digital equivalent, and allowing the rating of students;
24) Registrar’s office – an academic service that registers the entire history of a student’s academic achievements and ensures the organization of all types of knowledge control and the calculation of its academic rating;
25) SIWL (Office hours) – an extracurricular student work under the guidance of a lecturer, conducted according to an approved schedule;
26) GPA— average weighted score of the student’s academic achievement level for one academic year in the chosen program (ratio of the sum of credits to the digital equivalent of the intermediate assessment grade in disciplines to the total number of credits for the current period of study);
27) Course description a brief description of a subject, consisting of goals, objectives and content of a subject;
28) Prerequisites — disciplines that contain the knowledge, and skills necessary to master the discipline you are learning.
29) Post-requisites — disciplines that require the knowledge, and skills acquired in the end of the discipline.
30) Syllabus — a curriculum of the discipline, which includes a description of the discipline under study, goals and objectives of the discipline, a brief of its content, topics and duration of their study, tasks of independent work, consultation time, schedule of students knowledge checks, teacher requirements, criteria for assessing students’ knowledge and bibliography .
31) Transcript— a document contained a list of mastered disciplines for the relevant period of study with the indication of credits and marks in alphabetic and numerical terms;
32) Tutor— a lecturer who leads studies and acts as an academic consultant to learn a student in a particular discipline;
33) GC — an educational document developed on the basis of the Qualifier of Higher and Postgraduate Education RK and State Compulsory Educational Standard, regulating the structure and volume of the educational program for the cycles of disciplines, indicating the list of the minimum component disciplines and all types of practices, final certification, approved authorized body in the field of education
34) Advisor – a lecturer who performs the functions of an academic mentor of a student in a relevant specialty, assisting in choosing a learning path (shaping an individual curriculum) and mastering an educational program during the training period, it is possible to perform the functions of an advisor and curator by same person.
35) Elective courses – subjects that are part of an elective component within established credits and introduced by educational organizations, reflecting the student’s individual training, taking into account the specifics of socio-economic development and the needs of a particular region, established scientific schools of higher education institutions.
The educational professional undergraduate program is implemented for 4 years (on the basis of full secondary), 3 years (on the basis of technical and vocational education) on full-time education. According to the correspondence form of education, the educational program is implemented for 3.5 years (on the basis of technical and vocational education), 2.5 years (on the basis of higher education). To obtain bachelor’s degree, you must master at least 129 credits, undergo all types of practices, pass the state specialty exam and defend a thesis project (work).
The credit technology of education is cumulative, which means the increasing accounting of previously mastered loans for all levels of education.
Educational process in the credit system of education is organized in the following forms:
-classroom setting: lecturers, practical studies (seminars, colloquiums), lab practicals;
— extracurricular: SIW, inclusive of Office Hours, individual consultations, online sessions, videoconferences;
— conducting professional internships, preparing of graduation work;
— Controlling study achievements of the students: formative and summative assessment (survey at the classrooms, testing by the topics of educational subject, review works, lab works defense, term work, colloquiums);
— midterm assessment/summative assessment (testing by the branches of educational subject, exam, practice defense), final state attestation (graduation paper presentation).
Documents are required to organizing of educational process:
— academic calendar;
— curriculums;
— class schedule;
— methodical support.
Examination sessions at the Institute are carrying out through an academic year projects, exams. Generic curriculums are setting out summer and winter examination sessions. The summer session is transferable.
Students who have completed all GC requirements, successfully passed all academic year projects/works, exams; liquidated academic deficiency and scored a fixed level of GPA are transfer to next course, by rector’s order. Transfer from course to course is executed through an entry in an academic student card stating GPA for a course, number and date of signing a transferable order.
GPA of a students during a study is defined as a weighted average of the level of student’s achievement for the last period of study,by formula:
where Иц1, Иц2, … Ицn – final grades for subjects, in numeric equivalent;
К1, К2, … Кn – extent of studied subjects (in credits);
n – number of studied subjects throughout studying
Passing grade to translating from course to course:
- 1.7 points – when translating to the 2nd course;
- 1.9 points – when translating to the 3rd course;
- 2.1 points – when translating to the 4th course;
- 2.2 points – when translated into the 5th course
According to the results of the examination session, students who have all grades of 3.67 (“A-“and above) are equated to A-students by the traditional system of knowledge assessment and are eligible for 10% reduction in tuition per semester (order No. 44 of 02.06.2003.). Students who have GPA below the established transfer point have the right to re-exam the subjects for an additional semester or to remain on a repeated course of study.
All types of student’s transfer (HEI, course, study mode, faculty) are carrying out in a period of summer and winter vacation, on receipt of a personal application from a student, addressed to rector.
Additional semester at RII is organize on the motion of students, on a paid basis, after summer and winter session, with the aim to liquidate an academic backlog and additional learning of interest subjects that not included in generic plan of a specialty.
Academic backlog is student’s debt arisen from excluding of a student to a summative assessment, failing grade at an exam or absence without valid excuse.
Students with an academic backlog must pay up the cost of subjects’ credit they have debts for; revisit all lessons, pass all exams for a subject during an additional summer semester.
Students that have not file a petition for passing an additional semester, have no eligibility to passing an exam, or absented at an exam without valid excuse (at the time of winter additional semester), can study these subjects during the next academic period on a paid basis, after execution of relevant documents or stay for repeated academic year.
Students that have not file a petition for passing an additional summer semester stay for repeated study course. Students that have no eligibility to passing an exam after the end of additional semester or absented at an exam without valid excuse (at the time of summer additional semester), can pass an exam or stay for repeated academic year.
In the case of passing exam with a failing grade, students stay for additional study course on a paid basis.
Students that have not file a petition for passing an additional semester, absented at an exam due to illness or other reasonable reasons (in the presence of proof document), have a right to pass an exam within the time limits set by Dean’s office, after execution of relevant application and a written direction from Dean, on the prescribed form.
Student that has executed all course programme, but didn’t get a minimum passing grade aimed to improving (GPA), have a opportunity to re-learn individual subjects(at the time of summer semester) on a paid basis (except of “History of Kazakhstan”, for which passed a state exam) and pass exams again.
A right to additional semester is granted on the basis of students’ application, by order of rector. Application deadline and payment of additional semester are established by rector’s order.
Attendance of additional semester subjects is realized after paying for subjects and credits.
Students who have not received an established transfer score, taking into account the results of the additional summer semester, on the basis of the order of the Rector of the Institute remain on a recurrent course with full payment of tuition fees.
Students who do not pay a second course will be expelled for breach of contractual obligations. Students left for a recurrent course, by order of the dean, may complete a previously adopted individual curriculum or form a new individual curriculum.
The students can be dismissed:
– on them own volition;
– due to medical reasons;
– relative to the infraction of a statute, internal code of conduct, treaty obligations
Dismissed student gets the academic transcript
A gap year is a period when a student takes a break of study on medical grounds including due to pregnancy and child birth, also relative to conscription into the armed forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Student’s application for execution of a gap year is considered by educational organization preliminary, before beginning an interim attestation of students.
Providing a gap year to a student on a paid basis, tuition fees are suspended for the period of a gap year.
A gap year is provided to a student based on MCB conclusion only, during 6-12 months, under natural calamities, tremors and floodwaters (till 2 years).
A gap year is provided for child-care (during 3 years).
Students differing from cavernous tuberculosis get a gap year, conditionally of fate, during 1-2 years at the conclusion of MCB.
To execute a gap year a student makes an application on the name of Head of education organization and a note from Medical Consultative Board (MCB) either for conscription into the armed forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
A student fresh from a gap year must liquidate an academic deficiency (if there are any).
The difference in disciplines of working curricula a student, who returned from academic leave, passes in the prescribed manner during the intermediate certification of students or in the summer semester.
The organization of the educational process within one academic year is carried out on the basis of academic calendar, which is approved by the rector of HEI (Appendix 1).
Academic period is a semester. Academic year consists of 2 semesters, (the duration of 1 semester is 15 weeks. Examination session is during 3 weeks.
Vacations for students are provided after each academic period.
Generic Curriculum of a specialty develops according with IEPs of the students.
To provide the Academic Mobility the students learn individual subjects at the other education organizations, including abroad.
In the case of studying individual subjects at the other education organizations, after competition of the midterm assessment for a subject, a student furnishes the official transcript (or the academic transcript) to the dean’s office.
9. The rules for registration of the students for elective courses in the credit learning technology
Registration is booking procedure for education subjects in the prescribed period for each academic year in accordance with GC и CED.
Registration rules:
- Registration of the students for the disciplines conducts in the aims of organization of operative management of education process.
- Key tasks of registration the students for the disciplines are choosing elective courses by the students.
- Registration is carried out in the context of all specialties and courses.
- Registration is annually conducted. For the freshmen registration and choosing of a specialization are conducted after enrolment, in August 25-27. Other students start the registration procedure in mid-March.
- The students must meet with the advisors (for this you go to the Issuing Department or to the unit of registry and testing), visit the presentations and get registered on a personal cabinet of the web-portal RII.
Registration procedure comprises:
– pre-meeting with an advisor (work with CED);
–conduct of the presentations for elective courses conducted by tutors, under the supervision of the Heads of Departments.
– choosing the elective courses on the personal cabinet of the web-portal RII;
– formation of IEP with an advisor on receipt of a generic curriculum, prerequisites, post- requisites, talents and propensities of a student.
- An advisor is responsible for completion of registration form.
- Limitations for the number of students in registration for subjects depend on the course of study, cycle of a subject, contingent of the specialty and specialization.
- Period of registration and re-registration appear in academic calendar of academic year.
- Re-registration procedure is feasible during 10 days after registration.
- Registration and re-registration results approve by Vice-rector for R&AA.
Schedule compiled by the contact clock. Classes start at 9:00. The morning schedule is posted on the stand of the institute (faculty) no later than 2 weeks before the start of classes.
SIWL is not included in the class schedule. Students attend classes
SIWL according to the schedule placed on the stands of the department and compiled by the leading lecturer.
The methodological support of the educational process is carried out by the graduating, general education departments and the methodical room of the correspondence faculty, which are offered to the students:
- materials for classroom work on each discipline of the curriculum, including thesis of lectures, plans for seminars;
- SIW materials, including self-monitoring materials for each discipline, training tests, control tasks, exam questions for each discipline;
Materials for passing the practice, including plans and programs of practices for all types, forms of reporting documentation.
The academic achievements of students in all types of instructional assignments and tasks are evaluated according to LGS of knowledge assessment, which is transferred to the traditional grading scale according to the table 1.
The final grade of the student in the subject (student rating) includes the assessment of the rating of admissible and final control (exam rating).
The grade of the current performance monitoring (admission rating) is 60% of the final assessment of knowledge in the discipline, the assessment of the exam is 40% of the final assessment of knowledge of the subject
The current monitoring of student performance is carried out on each topic of the academic discipline and includes the control of knowledge in classroom and extracurricular classes. The assessment of the current control (assessment of the rating of admission) consists of the assessments of the current control in the classroom and the assessments of the reference control (extracurricular classes).
With ongoing monitoring of academic achievement, students’ academic achievements are rated on a 100-point scale for each completed task (response to current classes, homework assignment, independent student work, mid-term monitoring) and the final result of current monitoring of academic performance is calculated by the average of all assessments obtained during the academic period
Table 1 – Grade system
Letter Grading System (LGS) | Percentage | Numeric equivalent | Traditional grade |
А | 95-100 | 4,00 | Excellent |
А- | 90-94 | 3,67 | |
В+ | 85-89 | 3,33 | Good |
В | 80-84 | 3,00 | |
В- | 75-79 | 2,67 | |
С+ | 70-74 | 2,33 | Passing |
С | 65-69 | 2,00 | |
С- | 60-64 | 1,67 | |
D+ | 55-59 | 1,33 | |
D | 50-54 | 1,00 | |
F | 0-49 | 0,00 | Failing |
Monday through Friday:
1. 9.00 – 9.50
2. 10.00 – 10.50 3. 11.00 – 11.50 4. 12.20 – 13.10 |
5. 13.20 – 14.10
6. 14.20 – 15.20 7. 15.20 – 16.10 8. 16.20 – 17.10 |
9. 17.20 – 18.10
10. 18.20 – 19.10 11. 19.20 – 20.10 12. 20.20 – 21.10 |
Awarding of vacant educational grants, released in the process of obtaining higher education, is carried out during summer and winter holidays, to available vacancies on a competitive basis, in the following order:
1) a student enrolled on a fee basis programme submits an application addressed to the head of the university for further training on an educational grant;
2) a university, having considered this application on a competitive basis, together with the decision of the Academic Council, sends it to the authorized body in the field of education before August 5th and January 15th of the current year for taking a decision.
Student’s application, together with the decision of the academic council, is accompanied by an extract from student’s record book or transcript, a copy of a document proving his identity and an educational grant certificate (original) of a holder, expelled from the university.
Unclaimed educational grants, namely: certificates for them, are annually transferred to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In 2018-2019 academic year, 20 students – holders of state educational grants were expelled, of whom 15 were students of their own free will, 1 student for violation of academic discipline, 4 students were left for retraining. Out of 20 grants released during the training process, 17 are state grants issued under “Serpin” programme. Distribution of vacant grants according to specialties is given in the table:
Specialty | Year of enrollment | Vacant grants | Applicants | |
«Serpin» | regular | |||
5В070200-Automation and control |
2017 |
1 |
5В070300-Information systems | 2017 | 2 | ||
2015 | 2 | Graduates of 2019 | ||
5В070700-Mining | 2018 | 1 | A.K.Yerzhanov | |
5В070900-Metallurgy |
2017 | 1 | ||
2016 | 1 | |||
5В071300 – Transport, transport technique and technology | 2017 | 1 | ||
2016 | 1 | |||
2015 | 1 | Graduates of 2019 | ||
5В071700-Heat power engineering | 2018 | 1 | ||
2017 | 2 | |||
2016 | 2 | |||
5В072400 – Technological machines and equipment | 2016 | 2 | ||
2015 | 1 | Graduates of 2019 | ||
5В072900 – Construction | 2016 | 1 |
- Yerzhanov, a student of Mining-18 group, applied for one of the available vacant grants. By the order of Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 17th, 2019 No. 370, the student A. Erzhanov, group of Mining-18 was transferred to training under the state educational grant.
Information on availability of vacant grants released during the training process in 2017-2018 academic year | |||||
Code | Specialty | Year of enrollment | Mode of study | Vacant grant | |
regular | «Serpin» | ||||
5В072400 | Technological machines and equipment | 2015 | intramural | 4 | |
2016 | intramural | 1 | |||
5В070900 | Metallurgy | 2016 | intramural | 1 | |
2015 | intramural | 1 | |||
5В071300 | Transport, transport technique and technology | 2015 | intramural | 3 | |
2016 | intramural | 1 | |||
5В072600 | Technology and design of light industry products | 2015 | intramural | 3 | |
5В071700 | Heat power engineering | 2015 | intramural | 4 | |
2016 | 1 | ||||
5В070300 | Information systems | 2016 | intramural | 2 | |
5В012000 | Vocational training | 2015 | intramural | 5 | |
5В072900 | Construction | 2016 | intramural | 1 |
The student of TT-16ko group, D.A.Saydazim, submitted an application for participation in the competition for the award of a grant that was released during the educational process. Based on the order of Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 29, 2018 No. 436 “On the award of vacant educational grants released in the process of higher education obtaining, according to the results of summer session in 2017-2018 academic year” Seydazim D.A. transferred to training under the state educational grant.
Students of RII also took part in the competition for awarding of vacant educational grants, become available in the process of training in other universities. Following the results of the competition for training under state grants, M. Yunisov, group St-15 and U.Oshanova, group GD-17ko awarded the above-mentioned grants (based on the order of Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 5, 2018 No. 545) .
During 2016-2017 academic year, 5 grants were released, all the students-holders of these grants were expelled of their own free will:
Expelled student’s name | Year of enrollment | Language of tuition | Specialty |
Kuandyk Bektai | 2015 | Kazakh | 5В072400 –Technological machines and equipment |
Azamat Azimbai | 2015 | Kazakh | 5В072400 – Technological machines and equipment |
Mark Kurenykh | 2015 | Russian | 5В070700 – Mining |
Kydyrali Talip | 2015 | Kazakh | 5В070900 — Metallurgy |
Moldir Alikul | 2015 | Kazakh | 5В070300 – Information Systems |
At the end of winter session in 2016-2017 academic year, 3 students submitted applications for participation in the competition for awarding vacant grants:
Student’s name | Year of enrollment | Language of tuition | Specialty |
Timophey Issakov | 2015 | Kazakh | 5В070900 — Metallurgy |
Zhubanysh Umirzakov | 2015 | Kazakh | 5В070300 — Information Systems |
Vladislav Sokolov | 2015 | Russian | 5В070700 – Mining |
By the order of Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 1st, 2017 No. 44, the above-mentioned students became grant holders.
The rules for the distribution of places in the dormitories
In the dormitories of RII (630 places) currently are living more than 400 students. Free places (230)