Within the framework of the programme of inviting foreign scientists to Rudny Industrial Institute, Yordanova Rozina Mihaylova, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Metallurgy and Materials Science of the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy (Sofia, Bulgaria), Associate Professor, Doctor of Engineering, is teaching

Within the framework of the programme of inviting foreign scientists to Rudny Industrial Institute, Yordanova Rozina Mihaylova, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Metallurgy and Materials Science of the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy (Sofia, Bulgaria), Associate Professor, Doctor of Engineering, is teaching.
Classes are held for students of educational programmes of technical direction in the discipline “Technological properties of metals and alloys and methods of their determination”. The lectures are held in English, which corresponds to the task of creating a multi-lingual educational environment at the university. Also within the framework of the visit there will be held training seminars for young teachers of the institute and trainings for teaching staff who participate in the educational process of students of technical educational programmes. In co-operation with RII scientists, collective monographs and scientific articles will be prepared for publication in peer-reviewed international journals.
Cooperation of our Institute with Bulgarian universities is developing with the direct participation of the Chairman of the Board-Rector, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician A.B. Naizabekov. Collaboration with foreign scientists includes: conducting scientific research, preparation of scientific articles and collective monographs, participation in the work of international scientific-practical conferences, scientific internships in partner universities, participation in the work of scientific consortia and associations, etc. The collaboration with foreign scientists includes: conducting scientific research, preparation of scientific articles and collective monographs, participation in the work of scientific consortia and associations, etc.

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